View Thread · Previous · Next Return to Index › Re Birmy International English (China - head office in Jiaojiang, Taizhou) - The truth
Tom - 2011-04-07

Not American, but it seems you still have beef going back two years or so son, seriously, let go of the past, move somewhere (not China), where you can earn real money and be happy...

Well I never, it's The Lawyer, you could have knocked me down with a feather. I did have my suspicions when you mentioned Germany and your penchant for the jugular. How are you Dear Boy? How are the Frauleins?

Now, as to my beef- How did the story go? You knew me and my bruvver, him whom you had a close relationship , a subsequent argument ensued, leaving me unhappy with you ever since. As I told you before you have got the wrong bloke, you must make a habit of having arguments with peoples brothers and believe an irate relative can pop up in the most unlikely of places. Never mind, good to see you reborn.

I have very few skills so I have to limit myself to using them where I can. They wouldn't take me in Germany.

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