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A. N. Nerkannt - 2011-04-11

Two court actions have now been lodged against this very unprofessional compnay. Even the teachers who are of natural russian descent and work for English First are treated very badly. An investigation is being carried out for Visa fraud. Several "cowboy" schools have been closed by the Police in Moscow already. The Police in Moscow have already "raided" EF Moscow, this in itself is a witness to the fact that their practices are not legal, and neither are they above board, and the authorities have noted this-just one more mistake and they are finished. This problem has generated interest from foreign authorities regarding this franchise and its dubious procedures. This school has went down hill in the past 4 years because of its own practices, no client wants to use them. They say they are the highest paid....not true, for even a public school primary teacher working for the government gets paid more that that of a native teacher in Russia, so be careful about the well dressed lies they are telling. A court document is being served on its HQ in Switzerland, and the Russian Embassy in London has been warned with regards to issuing "duff" and "dickie" visas that have been obtained by means of under the table dealings. Be careful of Ivor G[edited], he is a smooth talking guy, even with the girls in the office, he is a great EF company grovelling weasel. The case continues onward and upward. Do yourselves a favour and spare yourselves the grief, EF Moscow is trouble, it also promotes the misuse of drugs and alcohol, and the promotion of these substances tell they just dont care about the image of their school, and nor indeed of the safety of their clients.

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English First Moscoe [Ivor G[edited]] -- A. N. Nerkannt -- 2011-04-11
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