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Apollyon - 2011-04-17
In response to Information about Birmy (Nancy)

To know more information, you could always visit, the only problem is most information in our official website is in Chinese, but you could also take the pictures for your reference

Yes, well, i could have copied and pasted anywhere from your long-winded, badly-punctuated Chinglish- "To know more information" is a typical Chinese way of putting it.

You are totally wrong, if you ignore grammar, as you imply you should, your students will never learn to speak and understand good English.

One of the characteristics of a rubbish training centre is this four pronged approach nonsense.

My advice to Chinese students who want to go private is to approach a mature foreigner (like Silverboy, foxy for example) and ask him if he'll give you private tuition in his spare time. Do not waste your parents cash on glitzy money-grabbing training centres. They may well employ many foreigners but they will be obliged to teach nonsense.

The information that Nancy has sent is the work of confidence tricksters, and very badly written, to boot.

Messages In This Thread
Information about Birmy -- Nancy -- 2011-04-16
Re Information about Birmy -- Apollyon -- 2011-04-17
Re Information about Birmy -- Dragonized -- 2011-04-16
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