View Thread · Previous · Next Return to Index › Re Ivor Galea English First Needs New Teachers ASAP For EF Moscow
Ritch Duncan - 2011-04-22

English FirstFreitag, 22. April, 2011 02:53 Uhr



Dear British Embassy,

Legal team has been informed that Ivor Galea of English First Moscow will make deposit of my money today at the British Embassy. The Procurator (Moscow) has been informed of this, though its better to wait and see if it transpires, and why Galea chose the British Embassy is unknown to anyone.

3 legal actions have been raised with regards this company.

I look forward to your reply as to when you will forward the funds deposited to you by Ivor Galea

Messages In This Thread
Ivor Galea English First Needs New Teachers ASAP For EF Moscow -- Ritch Duncan -- 2011-04-20
Re: Ivor Galea English First Needs New Teachers ASAP For EF Moscow -- M.McArdle -- 2012-01-20
Re Ivor Galea English First Needs New Teachers ASAP For EF Moscow -- Ritch Duncan -- 2011-04-21
Re Ivor Galea English First Needs New Teachers ASAP For EF Moscow -- Ritch Duncan -- 2011-04-22
Re Ivor Galea English First Needs New Teachers ASAP For EF Moscow -- Ritch Duncan -- 2011-04-26
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