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Peter Finisterra - 2011-05-12
In response to Vinnell - As good as you make it. (yusei)

To see what Vinnell teachers have to say about their job, one need only read their blog. It's available to anyone on the Internet. You'll quickly see that Vinnell is corrupt to say the very least. One of the most dumbfounding things I found about these crappy jobs is how little money it takes to get your co-workers to turn on you despite their nationality. To assume that since they share the same native language as you that they will look out for you is a huge mistake. There's a corporate stooge born every second!

By the way, the Saudi Royal family financed members of the 9/11 crew that attacked America on 9/11/01. Also, in 2007 the British were investigating kickbacks that BAE (British Aerospace) had been paying to members of the Saudi Royal family in order to win military contracts selling arms and Tornado Fighter Jets to the Saudis for hundreds of millions of dollars. King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia responded by threatening Tony Blair. He said that he couldn't guarantee that he couldn't stop more terrorist attacks, which tells you that the Saudis are at the center of terrorism. Also, they were waging a proxy war against Iran, their Shiite rival, in the 80s by financing Osama bin Laden and Wahabi groups in Pakistan and Afghanistan. It gets real interesting around the 11 minute mark. Have fun being treated like a slave and selling your soul to the devil for what, as far as these CEOs of these corrupt rogue companies are concerned, is a pittance of a salary. I'd rather keep my integrity and mop floors for a living than work in such an oppressive, duplicitous, corrupt, and downright evil environment!!

Messages In This Thread
Vinnell Arabia, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia -- Peter Finisterra -- 2010-05-31
Vinnell - As good as you make it. -- yusei -- 2010-12-27
Re Vinnell - As good as you make it. -- Peter Finisterra -- 2011-05-12
Re Vinnell - As good as you make it. -- Banana Joe -- 2010-12-28
Re Vinnell - As good as you make it. -- Eyu -- 2011-07-01
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