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Stan - 2011-05-15

If Stephen Cho is so great then why does he now go by Orange Education Co. and not Eduorange? Is he trying to prevent people from googling "Eduorange" and seeing all the bad reviews he has? Stephen placed my friends and me in a hagwon that wasn't paying its teachers more than a million won or so per month, a fraction of what we should have been paid. Stephen knew what was going on because all of the other people who had worked there before me complained to him about it since he brought them there. He put us there anyway. Thanks a lot Stephen for screwing everyone. Orange Education Co. AKA Eduorange and Stephen Cho are not recommended. Like someone else said, he's the worst recruiter in Korea!

Messages In This Thread
Stephen Cho from EDUORANGE - worst recruiter in Korea -- Anonymous -- 2010-09-11
Re Stephen Cho from EDUORANGE - worst recruiter in Korea -- Carrie Schubert -- 2011-03-25
Re Stephen Cho from EDUORANGE - worst recruiter in Korea -- Stan -- 2011-05-15
Re Stephen Cho from EDUORANGE - worst recruiter in Korea -- Rod -- 2011-03-26
Re Stephen Cho from EDUORANGE - worst recruiter in Korea -- Rod -- 2011-03-26
Re Stephen Cho from EDUORANGE - worst recruiter in Korea -- Ashley Fox -- 2010-12-14
Re Stephen Cho from EDUORANGE - worst recruiter in Korea -- Seoul_Guy -- 2011-06-18
Orange Education Co. -- Stan -- 2011-05-15
Re Orange Education Co. -- Ashley -- 2011-05-15
Re: Orange Education Co. -- Gary G. -- 2011-06-14
Re: Orange Education Co. -- Joseph Moore -- 2011-06-14
Re Orange Education Co. -- Seoul_Guy -- 2011-06-11
Re Stephen Cho from EDUORANGE - worst recruiter in Korea -- Chris -- 2011-01-30
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