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[edited] - 2011-05-16
In response to Re Web International - Shanghai (Apollyon)

You're funny! Attack my spelling (with no examples) when your own post contains the following: measily and traing. You're such a scholar! It's a good thing you teach university students that don't realize when you FU!

You boys can sure dish it out: calling people GWs, impugning their integrity, and generally behaving like self-important snots. My initial post to this board was an honest, and non-insulting, response to a poster that asked about a company with which I have some experience. You and croc boy inserted yourselves into the dialog, not in response the original poster, but took direct aim at me and my post. Now you are offended because you have been "viciously attacked". Crybabies!

You want be above the nasty business of private ESL training by sequestering yourselves in the ivory towers of academia. You imagine you've preserved your purity and integrity. The truth is, the rough and tumble world of private enterprise is too difficult for whiners like you. It chews you up and spits you out. So you muddle along on your puny 5000 per month salary and tell yourself you're really making MORE money than the rest of us. Of course, you still can't understand why the girls won't do anything but talk to you. That's why you play with your crocodiles and spend your evenings posting to this board on your "free" computer. My salary allows me to enjoy a very comfortable life in China that includes travel, sports, entertainment, dining, etc. And, I bought my own computer! Do the math on that, genius.

In your world, all private training centers are "rubbish". Because of your inexperience and youth, you aren't aware that not everyone is in a financial, professional, or personal position to attend university. And yet somehow, these people manage to study and learn English. It must be in those "rubbish" private training centers. You know, the ones that are beneath you and your valiant cohorts. We do agree on one thing: there are too many bad teachers and bad training centers. I'll suggest a solution to that further in this post.

I've worked at bad companies in the past and left when I felt the standards of the workplace jeopardized my personal and professional reputation. I've also been in China long enough to understand the problems training centers face with self-important malcontents like you. Nothing in this world is perfect nor black and white. You have to take the good with the bad and accept the shades of gray. You have to decide what you are willing to tolerate and what to eliminate. It's called real life; you should grow up and get one.

As I stated before, this board is full of people whose sole purpose for being here is to denigrate others and the training centers that hire them. They derive a false sense of superiority from this. For all these geniuses I have a challenge: start your own training center. You're full of insulting criticism; let's see if you have the starch to show us how a proper training center is operated. Hmmm, is that crickets I hear? I'm sure I'll be reading your excuses soon, though.

Messages In This Thread
Web International - Shanghai -- PGT -- 2011-05-09
Re Web International - Shanghai -- [edited] -- 2011-05-12
Re Web International - Shanghai -- Ravens Roost -- 2011-05-13
Re Web International - Shanghai -- Apollyon -- 2011-05-12
Re Web International - Shanghai -- [edited] -- 2011-05-13
Re Web International - Shanghai -- Apollyon -- 2011-05-14
Re Web International - Shanghai -- [edited] -- 2011-05-15
Re Web International - Shanghai -- Apollyon -- 2011-05-15
Re Web International - Shanghai -- [edited] -- 2011-05-16
Re Web International - Shanghai -- Apollyon -- 2011-05-16
Re Web International - Shanghai -- Hollandia beer -- 2011-05-16
Re Web International - Shanghai -- Apollyon -- 2011-05-16
Re Web International - Shanghai -- San Mig Beer -- 2011-05-17
Re Web International - Shanghai -- Apollyon -- 2011-05-17
Re Web International - Shanghai -- Hollandia beer -- 2011-05-17
Re Web International - Shanghai -- Turino -- 2011-05-16
Re Web International - Shanghai -- San Mig Beer -- 2011-05-17
Re Web International - Shanghai -- D BAG -- 2011-05-17
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