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Apollyon - 2011-05-16
In response to Re Web International - Shanghai ([edited])

Nothing in this world is perfect nor black and white. You have to take the good with the bad and accept the shades of gray. You have to decide what you are willing to tolerate and what to eliminate. It's

It's centre not center, unless you are an American of course. I should stop flying off the handle and read what i say. I have a small key board and often shove in an extra letter or miss one out. The odd spelling error upsets me not, I was merely noticing you must be an American since the rest of the English speaking world including Canadians spell centre like that. Also grey as opposed to gray. Don't worry i know one is English English and the other oxymoron American English. Both okay so don't go into one of your fits.

Now, Dear Boy, it was you who informed all us perverts sitting in our brother-in-laws' cellars leering at naked Chinese girls on the internet, that Web was not only a bad employer but also a lying one when it comes to students and presumably their parents who fork out the cash. Now your descriptions of bad liars do not fit happily into the shades of grey, do they? Nobody elses fault but your own that we are all homing in once again on this terrible outfit. I can't imagine that Web are too amused at you rubbing extra salt into their wounds.

Messages In This Thread
Web International - Shanghai -- PGT -- 2011-05-09
Re Web International - Shanghai -- [edited] -- 2011-05-12
Re Web International - Shanghai -- Ravens Roost -- 2011-05-13
Re Web International - Shanghai -- Apollyon -- 2011-05-12
Re Web International - Shanghai -- [edited] -- 2011-05-13
Re Web International - Shanghai -- Apollyon -- 2011-05-14
Re Web International - Shanghai -- [edited] -- 2011-05-15
Re Web International - Shanghai -- Apollyon -- 2011-05-15
Re Web International - Shanghai -- [edited] -- 2011-05-16
Re Web International - Shanghai -- Apollyon -- 2011-05-16
Re Web International - Shanghai -- Hollandia beer -- 2011-05-16
Re Web International - Shanghai -- Apollyon -- 2011-05-16
Re Web International - Shanghai -- San Mig Beer -- 2011-05-17
Re Web International - Shanghai -- Apollyon -- 2011-05-17
Re Web International - Shanghai -- Hollandia beer -- 2011-05-17
Re Web International - Shanghai -- Turino -- 2011-05-16
Re Web International - Shanghai -- San Mig Beer -- 2011-05-17
Re Web International - Shanghai -- D BAG -- 2011-05-17
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