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San Mig Beer - 2011-05-23
In response to Re: Dell English Expertise in [edited] (Apollyon)

"A fake English degree has got to make one at least as qualified as a real degree in Computer science or any other subject that's not English Lit/grammar."

I'd like to dissect your points-if I may?

My BA is in English Lit-I still don't feel it is useful for teaching English Language however. Only those with an MA in TEFL/TESOL could perhaps claim that, but as you say experience also counts, both in and out of the classroom.

"All of us FT's in China are pretty low standard otherwise we'd be genuine teachers registered as so in our own countries or we'd be here in China as engineers doing business with the Chinese. The only business we do with them seems to be at the end of their boot."

True. We don't get the expat packages that those sent by their companies get, nor are we really offering them anything useful. Still, don't be afraid to haggle to get paid what you think is right...they damned well have no graces when it comes to money, so why should we?!

"I worked with an American girl not so long ago, she was bristling with degrees yet often didn't understand me- nothing to do with my accent it was that her vocabulary was so tiny. I used to assure her she'd find the word in Webster's. On the other hand I've met many degree holders with enormous understanding of the English language, and good teachers to boot."

It's swings and roundabouts. In lack of any regulations re: hiring teachers the glut of perverts, alkies and loonies and generally apathetic lazy dossers will continue,,,doubt it will change much either!

Messages In This Thread
Re: Dell English Expertise in [edited] -- Stoli Vodka -- 2011-05-21
Re: Dell English Expertise in [edited] -- Apollyon -- 2011-05-22
Re: Dell English Expertise in [edited] -- San Mig Beer -- 2011-05-23
Re: Dell English Expertise in [edited] -- Silver Bullet -- 2011-05-23
Re: Dell English Expertise in [edited] -- Apollyon -- 2011-05-23
Re: Dell English Expertise in [edited] -- Silver Bullet -- 2011-05-23
Re: Dell English Expertise in [edited] -- San Mig Beer -- 2011-05-24
Expeltise in the Clap of Chingrish...LOL -- Native Chinglish speaker -- 2011-05-22
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