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James Luko - 2011-05-26

The school intends to follow up with the ficticious "steve miller" using their email and will prosecute the person behind these "FALSE" " UNTRUE" libelous and slanderous mistruths about our school.

Saint Paul and Mr. Luko has NEVER dealt with a Steve Miller. Obviously an ex-employee wishes to remain "cloaked" in secrecy. If what this person says is true- why not reveal yourself, file a complaint, visit the school, make a complaint with the DEPED here in the Philippines. Reveal yourself- why hide if this information you post is true ? To the readers, there is NO truth in this post from Steve Miller. We've never offered any employment to anyone remotely resembling this name- therefore, it is obviously a disgruntled person. As we have experienced that there is an abundent supply of Americans who wander Asia in search of jobs and sometimes even forge their credentials. These persons are often exaggerating their qualifications and schools end up dissapointed in their poor and unprofessional performances and conduct. At Saint Paul there is ZERO tolerance and we have changed our policy to hiring American's only directly from the U.S.

We ask "so-called" Steve Miller to visit our school or send us an official complaint using normal procedures, not trying to flame our excellent school because of sour grapes due to poor performance.

Messages In This Thread
St Paul American Christian School,Clark Philippines/James Luko warning. -- Steve Miller -- 2011-01-20
Re St Paul American Christian School,Clark Philippines/James Luko warning. -- James Luko -- 2011-05-26
Re: Re St Paul American Christian School,Clark Philippines/James Luko warning. -- Loko -- 2012-08-28
Re: Re St Paul American Christian School,Clark Philippines/James Luko warning. -- The Serb -- 2012-09-19
Re St Paul American Christian School,Clark Philippines/James Luko warning. -- Apollyon -- 2011-05-26
St Paul Christian school James Luko Genocide Denier.. -- lewis -- 2011-04-20
Re: St Paul Christian school James Luko Genocide Denier.. -- Loko -- 2012-10-24
Re St Paul Christian school James Luko Genocide Denier.. -- James Luko -- 2011-05-25
Re: Re St Paul Christian school James Luko Genocide Denier.. -- tatsuo -- 2011-07-19
Re: Re St Paul Christian school James Luko Genocide Denier.. -- James Luko -- 2011-08-24
Re: Re St Paul Christian school James Luko Genocide Denier.. -- Jesus Jones -- 2011-08-13
Re: Re St Paul Christian school James Luko Genocide Denier.. -- James Luko -- 2011-09-02
Re: Re St Paul Christian school James Luko Genocide Denier.. -- Dan Faeth -- 2011-09-16
Re: Re St Paul Christian school James Luko Genocide Denier.. -- James Luko -- 2011-09-17
Re St Paul Christian school James Luko Genocide Denier.. -- James Luko -- 2011-05-26
Re St Paul American Christian School,Clark Philippines/James Luko warning. -- James Luko -- 2011-01-20
Re St Paul American Christian School,Clark Philippines/James Luko warning. -- James Luko -- 2011-01-20
Re St Paul American Christian School,Clark Philippines/James Luko warning. -- bhay -- 2011-01-21
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