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The Malicious Rumor Spreader 2011 - 2011-06-03
In response to Re: YUMING EDUCATION CENTER - locations (A great teacher)

Negative posts by screwed over teachers now working elsewhere, happily and feeling valued run into double figures.

Positive posts by happy teachers working at Yuming shunning said negativity don't.


And of those positive comments there is something else to look at. Many are written in Chinglish and are quite clearly written by Yuming themselves, not actual teachers.

You know what I am talking about, things like: "I is very happy with the Yuming" "They are never lie to me"

If Yuming has so many happy FT's wishing to express their positive feelings about the place then why do Yuming have to make fake posts? They should have no problem getting real teachers to post online abou their positive experience.

I actually count approximately four posts including the one just posted which actually appear to have been written by someone who can speak English correctly but another interesting fact about that is on one site the admin pointed out that three of the posts appeared seconds after one another all from the exact same IP and a geographical location close to Pukou Dao where their offices are. Most of those posts appear over and over again like spam on each and every board and to date there has never actually been a follow up response from ANY of the posters, just a single initial comment defending Yuming and then they are never heard from again.

Just once I would like to actually see a real human being come back and have a discussion, responding to follow-up comments and answering questions. When I see things posted up in the manner they have been so far then I simply have to assume that Yuming have asked an FT to proof their own post and/or write something grammatically correct on paper for them which they can then post online.

So as per usual I ask the poster to respond.

How long have you worked at Yuming?

Where is your foreign experts certificate?

Where is your health insurance?

I know Yuming still do not have any work for teachers during the holidays as I saw an FT only a couple of weeks ago who is working part-time elsewhere during the holidays to survive so before you come back and lie about the situation, be honest. Exactly what are you doing to make ends meet during the holidays and do Yuming know?

How many FT's currently in the employ of Yuming have you met or do they still arrange individual meetings with teachers at their offices and try to ensure that when you attend you are the only FT there at the time?

Perhaps, considering you are so adamant to defend your "great" school you could blow our accusations out of the water and post up a scan of your insurance policy, your contract, your foreign experts certificate and your bank statement (editing any sensitive info out of course) proving your statements true. After all, your bank statement will clearly show regular monthly deposits covering the holiday periods proving that Yuming have been paying you during the holidays and provided you with work.

Your Foreign experts certificate will show details in Chinese of your employer.

Your insurance policy will again prove they took one out for you and your contract will also go a long way to giving you credibility.

Something tells me however, the other couple of seemingly Ft written posts that this will be your one and only post and we will never see or hear from you again all bar seeing the exact same post appear everywhere else anyone talks about Yuming.

Messages In This Thread
Re: YUMING EDUCATION CENTER - locations -- Paul Clayton -- 2011-06-03
Re: YUMING EDUCATION CENTER - locations -- Crap School Spotter -- 2011-06-03
Re: YUMING EDUCATION CENTER - locations -- A great teacher -- 2011-06-03
Re: YUMING EDUCATION CENTER - locations -- Yet another ex Yuming employee -- 2011-08-23
Re: YUMING EDUCATION CENTER - locations -- The Malicious Rumor Spreader 2011 -- 2011-06-23
Re: YUMING EDUCATION CENTER - locations -- The Malicious Rumor Spreader 2011 -- 2011-07-31
Re: YUMING EDUCATION CENTER - locations -- Crap School Spotter -- 2011-06-05
Re: YUMING EDUCATION CENTER - locations -- The Malicious Rumor Spreader 2011 -- 2011-06-05
Re: YUMING EDUCATION CENTER - locations -- The Malicious Rumor Spreader 2011 -- 2011-06-03
Re: YUMING EDUCATION CENTER - locations -- The Malicious Rumor Spreader 2011 -- 2011-06-04
Re: YUMING EDUCATION CENTER - locations -- The Malicious Rumor Spreader 2011 -- 2011-06-03
Re: YUMING EDUCATION CENTER - locations -- Paul Clayton -- 2011-06-03
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