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The Malicious Rumor Spreader 2011 - 2011-06-03
In response to Re: YUMING EDUCATION CENTER - locations (A great teacher)

So perhaps Yuming should consider doing something about the vicious and untrue slander I have been spreading about them and take me to court then. Thing is, they won't. They won't because nothing I have said is untrue. I know it, others know it and more importantly they damn well know it too.

Lets put a few things into context here in light of your post and review Yumings Greatness:

Lauren/Canada - Attempted to fire from her job after "allegedly" being accused of hitting a student. After contacting the school and being told that they knew nothing about the matter but had informed Yuming that they no longer required two FT's things started to make sense. She threatened to involve the authorities over the matter and Yumings balls shrunk.

Arron/US - Was left in the position of having no work for 3 months during the Summer holidays and, to enable him to continue paying his rent and actually live decided to freelance teach. Upon visiting his residential area with a new teacher Helen saw one of his business cards and recognised the mobile number and name on it. He was fired and Helen attempted to cause trouble by visiting the local police station in that area. Unfortunately for her it failed as he was teaching the son of the officer in charge of that station and they had become good friends. She was told to FUCK OFF!!!

Robbie/UK - WOrked there for 12 months and at the end of this contract decided to move on and seek employment elsewhere. To do so without having to leave China and start the Visa process from the very beginning requires the current employer to complete a document at the PSB releasing the employee and enabling them to transfer employers. Yuming flat refused to do this and as such he was unable to begin working for a new employer without travelling back to his home country and starting the entire Visa process off again from the beginning. He was therefore forced to be separated from his wife and new born son for a significant length of time until the situation could be sorted out. The situation was rectified after legal action was taken in the labour courts against Yuming, by that time however the easiest course of action for him was to simply start over.

Jason/UK - Worked at Yuming and was fired for complaining about the situation over lengthy holiday periods he was not informed about. Yuming were friends with the landlord of the apartment he was living at and he suddenly found himself evicted for no good reason.

Colin/UK - Had his Visa cancelled by Yuming but they failed to inform him about it. He also had complained about the conditions of employment not being the same as when taking the job and was fired. He should have really enquired about his Visa situation instead of staying on in China and working elsewhere but it still doesn't change the fact that Yuming shit down his back.

Jess/Canada - Was completely fed up with the conditions of his employment not being the same as when taking the job. Luckily for him he told them he was returning to his home country at the end of the contract and did just that. What Yuming do not know however is that he went home for a holiday and then returned a few weeks later to begin a new job with a new Visa.

Mark/Canada - Same situation, told one thing upon taking the job only to find things were completely different after starting. DId the same thing after being given some helpful advice and told them he was going home but returned afterwards to a new job.

2 Girls/Canada (sorry dunno their names - Mark told me all about them - this was at the end of 2010) Came to work for Yuming and were left in a hotel until their apartment was ready. After a few days they were driven for about 2 hours to the outskirts of Tianjin to a run down craphole with no running water or any fully working facilities. They told Helen they did not want to stay there and she agreed to take them back to their hotel until they could arrange a better place to live. Days past and there was no contact. They rang Yuming and got no answer so walked down to the office. Upon speaking to them they were informed that because they did not like the apartment they had been given Yuming would NOT be helping them any further. They were told they would have to pay for the hotel themselves and basically Yuming had washed their hands of them. They had to return to Canada and start again.

Eric/US - Was employed and had intended to renew his contract and Visa with Yuming so gave in his passport and waited for it to be completed. Weeks past and he didn't get it back so started asking. He was given various excuses as to what was going on, all blaming the PSB for the delay. Eventually he required his passport to travel so demanded they found out what was happening. He got it back, there was no new Visa inside. When he questioned this he was told sorry but we are not going to renew your contract so we have not renewed your Visa. His current Visa had expired and he was fined upon attending a PSB interview.

I could go on quoting details of various teachers who have worked there since 2008 but I trust my point is clear. So lets move on to state a few facts which people can actually look into themselves.

Go to Yumings website and look at the FAQ: Heres the link for your convenience:

Read first the bottom of that page where it discusses holidays and pay particular attention to the length of those holidays. Now things to remember are they have again modified the wording, however I have screenshots of the wording as it was for the last few years and am happy to post those up. It used to state 4 to 6 weeks which is bollocks the holidays are in fact 2 and 3 months making a grand total of 5 months holiday. Then you have to add to that the Chinese national holidays and any times when classes are cancelled due to a trip to the zoo or a museum taking that total to somewhere in the region of 6 months.

This would not be all bad if Yuming actually had, as they state on the website, that you can continue at your normal rate of pay one one of their Summer or Winter language camps. Unfortunately they don't have any language camps but have perhaps a couple of classes here and their which doesn't help anyone at all. I know this is still the case today as even this Summer I have run into teachers taking part time employment where I work who are doing so because they have no work from Yuming.

If Yuming knew they were doing this, as stated in their contract, they would be fired on the spot because Yumings management are completely paranoid about any of their "teaching secrets" being used elsewhere or their staff being lured into a new job. Teaching secrets!!!!! Like Yuming actually have any. Just some crappy books procured elsewhere and a tissuepaper thin booklet with some badly written Chinglish teaching plans which no-one would ever use anyway.

They also mention the fact they give health insurance. Has anyone actually signed an insurance document??? I never did, nor has anyone else I have asked about it. The only health related matter is the initial mandatory health check which takes place on arrival as part of the immigration process.

Yuming also do not give their teachers the foreign expert certificate. A little black passport looking type book which is a requirement for immigrants to carry in China. They keep these safely locked away in their possession as they can get money back when they hand them in, use it to get discounts on certain goods and also it is much easier to cancel your stay in China if they have this.


Most people who have worked for Yuming were generally happy at the time. But as time went along they found out one thing after another, like for example the holiday saga and then decided they needed to find a job elsewhere. It is at that point that Yuming shows its teeth and they fuck over the FT.

Tell your scabby bosses, because I know that they know exactly who I am, to start legal proceedings against me asap. I implore them to do so.

Listen buddy, you are just the same as I was when I worked there. Letting one thing after another go and telling yourself everything is ok. Yes the schools I worked in were nice places and the students were great!!! This is not about the schools they supply to, or the girls that work there who were/are also very pleasant. This is about what will happen to you if you question the fact you aint working and cant support yourself during the holidays and what will happen to you if you do anything bar go home when you leave.

The only one who ever left their unscathed is that GW Peter, who has just been mentioned by Paul. He spied on teachers and fed the info back to his masters like a faithful dog.

I pity you if you stay there and you will be back in the future with your own horror story.

Messages In This Thread
Re: YUMING EDUCATION CENTER - locations -- Paul Clayton -- 2011-06-03
Re: YUMING EDUCATION CENTER - locations -- Crap School Spotter -- 2011-06-03
Re: YUMING EDUCATION CENTER - locations -- A great teacher -- 2011-06-03
Re: YUMING EDUCATION CENTER - locations -- Yet another ex Yuming employee -- 2011-08-23
Re: YUMING EDUCATION CENTER - locations -- The Malicious Rumor Spreader 2011 -- 2011-06-23
Re: YUMING EDUCATION CENTER - locations -- The Malicious Rumor Spreader 2011 -- 2011-07-31
Re: YUMING EDUCATION CENTER - locations -- Crap School Spotter -- 2011-06-05
Re: YUMING EDUCATION CENTER - locations -- The Malicious Rumor Spreader 2011 -- 2011-06-05
Re: YUMING EDUCATION CENTER - locations -- The Malicious Rumor Spreader 2011 -- 2011-06-03
Re: YUMING EDUCATION CENTER - locations -- The Malicious Rumor Spreader 2011 -- 2011-06-04
Re: YUMING EDUCATION CENTER - locations -- The Malicious Rumor Spreader 2011 -- 2011-06-03
Re: YUMING EDUCATION CENTER - locations -- Paul Clayton -- 2011-06-03
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