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michael andrews - 2004-10-27

All teachers beware of edutown in korea. First, they hire anyone with or without a degree(all teachers except for 1 do not have a degree and are 19-22yrs.) All teachers are here on an H-1 holiday working visa(with or without a degree) which specifically states you cannot teach while in korea. Before you leave from canada(they only hire canadians) they send you a contract via email to review.The contract they get you to sign is usually for 100,000 - 200,000 won less/month then the contract sent to you in canada. This is just the beginning of the lies constantly told to you. ALL head teachers have quit, many others have left, and even the staff in the main office are all new(working there for less than 3 months) As for salary, good luck getting it when they say. They make many promises and excuses, all while treating you great and ensuring you continue teaching your classes, until you eventually quit without pay(at that time now 2 months behind pay)Edutown will contact you directly or through a new recruiting agency(they go through recruiters like underwear because they refuse to pay them)
All in all, BEWARE, if you are contacted by edutown don't take the chance!!! (espically if you do not have a degree)

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