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Interested party - 2011-06-06
In response to Re: Wall Street English (Bob Holness)

Yes I heard that Wall Street was now in the hands of Pearson and that the centers in China were very professionally run from a Western, not Chinese, perspective.

I am considering a position there but would be interested in more information. For example, I have heard that whilst the hours are somewhere in the region of 35 for full time it is actually over a 6 day week and that they can often be split shifts, is this true?

For someone like myself working a 6 day week would be inconvenient not to mention working a split shift. I have a family and as such like to have the time to spend with them to do things together. A 6 day week would hamper that and working a split shift, say morning and evening would also be a pain. I wouldn't relish the idea of having to hang around the rest of the day to start my second shift but returning home in between would also be problematic as you wouldn't really be able to spend the time in between doing anything very constructive before having to set-off again back to Wall Street for your Second shift.

The salary seems decent enough by all accounts. Bonuses appear to be paid if targets are hit, same as any company I have worked for in the UK. There appears to be no deduction for a cancellation and they appear to offer paid holidays and sick pay. Can you tell me however if they pay your airfare once a year as a full time employee. I read about it but is it true?

I also read something about someone who was struggling along because they were not giving the hours as per the contract and as such was paid far less. This information however was posted online a number of years ago and it is my understanding that Wall Street was owned by a Spanish company at the time and since then has changed hands to an American company then on to Pearsons. How accurate is this information about the hours. I do not like the idea of being contracted for 35 hours only to receive half of that.

Some more up to date info which was posted last year around November/December states that an employee was not getting paid on time. His salary could be over a month late and whilst his manager was supportive and constantly calling the head office about the situation it was ultimately the head office had the power to sort the problem, not his manager. Does this happen? I have already been through working for someone who seems to think that payments to teachers on time is not of the greatest importance and I am not in a hurry to go through that again. People work, people teach ultimately to be paid. Not to be a charity who go to live in a foreign country and do it for free. Certainly not me anyway. I have a family to support, food to buy and rent to pay. Are you aware of this being the situation because by my reckoning Pearson owned Wall Street at this point and the poster was not completely negative throughout his post. He said some very good things about Wall Street, this was one of his only gripes so I tend to put faith in what he had to say.

Any up to date information you can give on Wall Street would be appreciated. Especially the 6 day and split shift issue.


Messages In This Thread
Re: Wall Street English -- Bob Holness -- 2010-12-19
Re: Wall Street English -- Interested party -- 2011-06-06
Re: Wall Street English -- Bob Holness -- 2011-06-16
Re: Wall Street English -- Curious -- 2011-07-29
Re: Wall Street English -- Interested Party -- 2011-06-25
Re: Wall Street English -- 1664 -- 2011-06-17
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