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Dragonized - 2011-06-06

Mr. Tang, you may or may not have had a difficult experience in china. If you believe that Birmy is making an effort to change the community I ask you these questions.

What non-profit events has Birmy held for the underprivledged?

What amount of the money that Birmy makes goes toward a cause to help people who've suffered?

What kinds of volunteer work does Birmy do to make the community better?

The most important thing always will be how we deal with things,
might i suggest you change your view on this a bit.

Might I share a story with you? There once was a boy who was taught about the magical wonderland of a kingdom in the far east, where 5,000 years of culture existed. This boy was taught that as a developing country, things only became better as the people developed their skills to become more open minded, humanitarian, equal, and the law of the land was upheld towards the highest degree. This boy was also taught that this was socialism at its finest. What with this kingdom from the far east spending tons of money printing their newspapers and buying out newspapers in the country the boy was living in, newspapers which used to be owned by people who emigrated from said country many years ago. A truly rosy picture was printed of a coming superpower which would provide a spiritual balance between countries that were labeled "western". This eastern kingdom will show up the current ruling status quo by bringing back the tradition of family morals, chastity, and honor to ones self. Not to mention taking pride in building ones own compassion for the community and the well being of others.

This boy went to the country where his ancestors came from and discovered that, as a matter of fact people from all over the world were coming to embrace the new utopia, the beacon of mankind that will raise the general civilization of all across the globe. The eastern kingdom provided a surefire model of decency with everything. From the purity of the government with no corruption whatsoever, to the cleaniness of the food produced, to the quality of a well rounded education that didn't produce automated robots, to the general caring community which always reached out whenever their were fights that broke out in broad daylight and physically broke up these conflicts. The air itself even smelled of purity thanks to the almost maternal care one would say that the entire community gave to their environment. Charities seemed to be opened up by anyone even touching the border of affluence for whatever cause they believed was good. This was a place that someone wanted to live in forever and ever.

NOW, this country is NOT CHINA.

I once heard a beautiful remark,
"If we change the way we look at things, the things we look at change"

See Johnny, I can understand this quote as well, but I have a different twist to understanding it. China does advertise itself overseas much as how I described the "eastern kingdom" in my 1st full paragraph. But for me and others, the 2nd paragraph is something that this country comes up just a bit short in. I hope you now can understand how me and many other foreigners feel regarding the before/after when dealing with the issue of china.

Messages In This Thread
Birmy International English (China - head office in Jiaojiang, Taizhou) - The truth -- Peter -- 2010-11-19
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Re: Birmy International English The truth -- twiggie -- 2012-10-25
Re: Birmy International English The truth -- San Migs -- 2012-10-26
Re: Birmy International English The truth -- Jimmy Savvie -- 2012-10-26
Re: Birmy International English The truth -- ftz -- 2012-10-25
Re: Birmy International English The truth -- ftz -- 2012-10-23
Re: Birmy International English The truth -- San Migs -- 2012-10-23
Re: Birmy International English The truth -- Dragonized -- 2012-10-23
Re: Birmy International English The truth -- Jimmy Savvie -- 2012-10-23
Re Birmy International English (China - head office in Jiaojiang, Taizhou) - The truth -- Birmy International English -- 2010-12-01
Re Birmy International English (China - head office in Jiaojiang, Taizhou) - The truth -- Dragonized -- 2010-12-02
Re Birmy International English (China - head office in Jiaojiang, Taizhou) - The truth -- Dragonized -- 2010-12-02
Re Birmy International English (China - head office in Jiaojiang, Taizhou) - The truth -- PR -- 2010-12-02
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Re Birmy International English (China - head office in Jiaojiang, Taizhou) - The truth -- Jim -- 2010-11-26
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Re Birmy International English (China - head office in Jiaojiang, Taizhou) - The truth -- EU'ER -- 2010-11-27
Re Birmy International English (China - head office in Jiaojiang, Taizhou) - The truth -- Dragonized -- 2010-11-26
Re Birmy International English (China - head office in Jiaojiang, Taizhou) - The truth -- Sanguine -- 2010-11-20
Re Birmy International English (China - head office in Jiaojiang, Taizhou) - The truth -- Dragonized -- 2010-11-20
Re Birmy International English (China - head office in Jiaojiang, Taizhou) - The truth -- PR -- 2010-11-20
Re Birmy International English (China - head office in Jiaojiang, Taizhou) - The truth -- Johnny -- 2011-06-06
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Re Birmy International English (China - head office in Jiaojiang, Taizhou) - The truth -- San Mig -- 2011-06-24
Re Birmy International English (China - head office in Jiaojiang, Taizhou) - The truth -- Dragonized -- 2011-06-06
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Re Birmy International English (China - head office in Jiaojiang, Taizhou) - The truth -- Crap School Spotter -- 2011-06-06
Re Birmy International English (China - head office in Jiaojiang, Taizhou) - The truth -- Dragonized -- 2010-11-20
Re Birmy International English (China - head office in Jiaojiang, Taizhou) - The truth -- Staniszewski -- 2010-11-26
Re Birmy International English (China - head office in Jiaojiang, Taizhou) - The truth -- Dragonized -- 2010-11-26
Re Birmy International English (China - head office in Jiaojiang, Taizhou) - The truth -- PR -- 2010-11-20
Re Birmy International English (China - head office in Jiaojiang, Taizhou) - The truth -- Dragonized -- 2010-11-20
Re Birmy International English (China - head office in Jiaojiang, Taizhou) - The truth -- EU'er -- 2010-11-19
Re Birmy International English (China - head office in Jiaojiang, Taizhou) - The truth -- Sanguine -- 2010-11-20
Re Birmy International English (China - head office in Jiaojiang, Taizhou) - The truth -- Eu'er -- 2010-11-21
Re Birmy International English (China - head office in Jiaojiang, Taizhou) - The truth -- Peter -- 2010-11-19
Re Birmy International English (China - head office in Jiaojiang, Taizhou) - The truth -- Ex-TC -- 2010-11-20
Re Birmy International English (China - head office in Jiaojiang, Taizhou) - The truth -- PR -- 2010-11-20
Re Birmy International English (China - head office in Jiaojiang, Taizhou) - The truth -- EU'er -- 2010-11-20
Re Birmy International English (China - head office in Jiaojiang, Taizhou) - The truth -- Chinawhite -- 2010-12-03
Re Birmy International English (China - head office in Jiaojiang, Taizhou) - The truth -- Dragonized -- 2011-04-03
Re Birmy International English (China - head office in Jiaojiang, Taizhou) - The truth -- Tom -- 2011-04-02
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Re Birmy International English (China - head office in Jiaojiang, Taizhou) - The truth -- Tom -- 2011-04-03
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Re Birmy International English (China - head office in Jiaojiang, Taizhou) - The truth -- Tom -- 2011-04-03
Re Birmy International English (China - head office in Jiaojiang, Taizhou) - The truth -- Dragonized -- 2010-12-03
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Re Birmy International English one of my best experiences of working in China for a private training ever ..! -- Dragonized -- 2010-12-05
Re Birmy International English one of my best experiences of working in China for a private training ever ..! -- Chinawhite -- 2010-12-06
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Re Birmy International English one of my best experiences of working in China for a private training ever ..! -- Dragonized -- 2010-12-06
Re Birmy International English one of my best experiences of working in China for a private training ever ..! -- Dragonized -- 2010-12-06
Re Birmy International English (China - head office in Jiaojiang, Taizhou) - The truth -- The Lawyer -- 2010-12-03
Re Birmy International English (China - head office in Jiaojiang, Taizhou) - The truth -- Chinawhite -- 2010-12-04
Re Birmy International English (China - head office in Jiaojiang, Taizhou) - The truth -- PR -- 2010-12-04
Re Birmy International English (China - head office in Jiaojiang, Taizhou) - The truth -- The Lawyer -- 2010-12-04
Re Birmy International English (China - head office in Jiaojiang, Taizhou) - The truth -- Mal -- 2010-12-03
Re Birmy International English (China - head office in Jiaojiang, Taizhou) - The truth -- Dragonized -- 2010-12-04
Re Birmy International English (China - head office in Jiaojiang, Taizhou) - The truth -- Foxy -- 2010-12-03
Re Birmy International English (China - head office in Jiaojiang, Taizhou) - The truth -- The Lawyer -- 2010-12-03
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