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Seoul_Guy - 2011-06-11
In response to Re Orange Education Co. (Ashley)

You're wrong about him not recruiting anymore. I just talked to him last week about a job near Seoul. I don't even know the guy well or have any opinion on him at all, but why would he change the name of the recruiting company if he is no longer recruiting? That doesn't make sense.

Messages In This Thread
Stephen Cho from EDUORANGE - worst recruiter in Korea -- Anonymous -- 2010-09-11
Re Stephen Cho from EDUORANGE - worst recruiter in Korea -- Carrie Schubert -- 2011-03-25
Re Stephen Cho from EDUORANGE - worst recruiter in Korea -- Stan -- 2011-05-15
Re Stephen Cho from EDUORANGE - worst recruiter in Korea -- Rod -- 2011-03-26
Re Stephen Cho from EDUORANGE - worst recruiter in Korea -- Rod -- 2011-03-26
Re Stephen Cho from EDUORANGE - worst recruiter in Korea -- Ashley Fox -- 2010-12-14
Re Stephen Cho from EDUORANGE - worst recruiter in Korea -- Seoul_Guy -- 2011-06-18
Orange Education Co. -- Stan -- 2011-05-15
Re Orange Education Co. -- Ashley -- 2011-05-15
Re: Orange Education Co. -- Gary G. -- 2011-06-14
Re: Orange Education Co. -- Joseph Moore -- 2011-06-14
Re Orange Education Co. -- Seoul_Guy -- 2011-06-11
Re Stephen Cho from EDUORANGE - worst recruiter in Korea -- Chris -- 2011-01-30
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