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corinne - 2011-06-12

Ok I have been scouring the internet and exhausting myself on this site and others for several days, trying to determine whether I've been offered something genuine, but I feel like I still have not reached a conclusion.

My story:
I submitted a resume to Allestra Recruiting in regards to the internship (NOT an actual teaching position) posted here:

I was not solicited by Allestra, I never received anything from them until I sent my resume and inquired about the position.
Within a couple of days, I had a response with a short infographic about the position and a request that I be available for an interview by phone. I responded with the best number to reach me, and a few days ago someone called to conduct said interview. I have never received any unwarranted calls/texts/etc. since giving them my number.
I spoke with a gentleman who was very nice, I asked about program fees etc. and he told me they had no such fees, and even cautioned me against any company that would ask me for money. The rest of the conversation was a bit hazy for me (it being early in the morning), but he asked me about my schooling and relevant experience, etc etc. I told him I've been to China before, he seemed glad to hear that and told me someone would get back to me.
The next day, I had an email in my inbox:


Congratulations, you are selected to participate in the Internship2011 program at Yangzhou. In the next few days you will be receiving an invitation letter which should be taken to the Chinese Embassy to obtain a visa. You should start looking at airfares. You will be arriving at the Nanjing Lukow International Airport. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have additional questions"

To which I say, you have got to be kidding me! Because I have little job experience and am still an undergraduate college student, not to mention the fact that I can't even seem to get a job at a Kmart here at home. So, I'm apprehensive, and it is at this point that I start doing some research.

I have done a LOT of reading, and I can't come up with anything on this company so far. Nothing damning, that is. I sent them an email in response to their offer asking a set of questions to help me better determine whether this is safe or not, but I wanted it up for discussion here as well. I found one thread here on Allestra Recruiting in which one poster mentioned that they asked for a scan of her passport, and no one else made any relevant comments about Allestra itself, but slammed recruiters altogether. I was never asked for any sensitive information, and I suspect that the person who was, was probably dealing with a scammer using Allestra's name and not Allestra itself. Still, I am being very cautious after reading the whole thread.

It has been hard to navigate this board because this position is specifically a summer internship, not a teaching position, so things like qualifications and visa requirements are likely not the same.
I'm still waiting to hear back from them in regards to the questions I asked, specifically the questions about the school I'd be working for. But in the mean time, it's been bothering me, so I wanted to ask you folks what you think.

I'd really appreciate your insights!

Messages In This Thread
Allestra Recruiting -- corinne -- 2011-06-12
Re Allestra Recruiting -- Crap School Spotter -- 2011-06-12
Re: Re Allestra Recruiting -- The Insider at Best Learning -- 2011-09-02
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