View Thread · Previous · Next Return to Index › WARNING!!! GZ ALCANTA, GuangZhou China
Anita - 2011-06-13

if you receive a job offer from Alcanta in Tong He, Bai Yun, GuangZhou I highly advise that you decline. I have worked there for 1 term and there is not ONE thing I can say good about this school. The school has gone through 40 (yes, FORTY) foreign teachers in the past 5 years because of the issues.

They have lists of situations when they can take money from you. Salary is late. You are deducted salary for simplest reason. For example, I went to print off papers for my class. All teachers and staff int he whole school need to use 2 computers and one printer to print anything off for classes, I arrived early knowing that there would be a wait. The computer was broke and the lady who is in charge of the print room was chatting on QQ and would not look up. Finally I went to her desk and closed the QQ screen and opened my account while she was still sitting there. I was 3 minutes late for my class and they deducted 200RMB from my salary.

The students run this school because they pay a ridiculous amount of money and if they aren't happy then they will leave. I have been told that it does't matter if they learn, just make sure they are happy. Students can get your fired if your lesson is too boring, too active, if you use the book too much, not enough...if you aren't their "style" of teacher, you're as good as gone.

This is my last week at this hell. Now there are 6 foreign teachers working and 5 of the 6 are quitting. Alcanta will be looking for new people. DO NOT FALL INTO THE TRAP!!! I wish someone had told me about this school before I signed the contract that doesn't hold up to anything...
there are many other schools in GZ that you can work at, don't ruin your time here with this one.

Messages In This Thread
WARNING!!! GZ ALCANTA, GuangZhou China -- Anita -- 2011-06-13
Re: WARNING!!! GZ ALCANTA, GuangZhou China -- Jim -- 2012-06-01
Re: WARNING!!! GZ ALCANTA, GuangZhou China -- jIMMY cRANKIE -- 2012-06-07
in defense of Alcanta Vocational School in Guangzhou -- Jim -- 2012-06-15
Re WARNING!!! GZ ALCANTA, GuangZhou China -- Mark Mason -- 2011-06-27
Re WARNING!!! GZ ALCANTA, GuangZhou China (Tonghe) -- Jimmy Crankie -- 2011-06-29
Re WARNING!!! GZ ALCANTA, GuangZhou China -- jimmy crankie -- 2011-06-24
Re: WARNING!!! GZ ALCANTA -- Curious -- 2011-06-13
Re: WARNING!!! GZ ALCANTA -- Anita -- 2011-06-15
Re: WARNING!!! GZ ALCANTA -- Miles -- 2011-07-07
Re: WARNING!!! GZ ALCANTA -- foxy -- 2011-07-07
Re: WARNING!!! GZ ALCANTA -- San Miguel Beer -- 2011-07-07
Re: WARNING!!! GZ ALCANTA -- foxy -- 2011-07-07
Re: WARNING!!! GZ ALCANTA -- San Miguel Beer -- 2011-07-07
Re: WARNING!!! GZ ALCANTA -- Ross -- 2011-07-07
Re: WARNING!!! GZ ALCANTA -- San Miguel Beer -- 2011-07-08
Re: WARNING!!! GZ ALCANTA -- Kanadian -- 2012-06-03
Re: WARNING!!! GZ ALCANTA -- San Migs -- 2012-06-03
Re: WARNING!!! GZ ALCANTA -- Kanadian -- 2012-06-04
Re: WARNING!!! GZ ALCANTA -- San Migs -- 2012-06-06
Re: WARNING!!! GZ ALCANTA -- foxy -- 2012-06-03
Re: WARNING!!! GZ ALCANTA -- In & Out -- 2012-06-03
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