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Gary G. - 2011-06-14
In response to Re Orange Education Co. (Ashley)

Although I read these reviews on occasion, I typically refrain from posting comments, but I found your posting to be so bizarre that a reply was completely warranted and you never answered the other guys question. You said you said all the different reviews sound similar and have the same structure so they must have been written by the same person. Seriously? You really used your probably non-existent writing analysis training to analyze every online posting for some random Korean recruiter before determining that they all HAD to be from the same person. Really? Even if they are written by the same person, does that mean theyre not true? Youre talking about a recruiter here hes not your friend or someone you grew up with. You cant possibly know him that well. You were so impressed with him after what two or three hours of interaction with him? I dont even remember the name of my first recruiter, despite being happy with the school she put me in, and even if I did remember her name I would never decide to google it months after accepting a teaching position and feel compelled to defend them online like you seemingly did. Who does that? Also, so what youre saying is that you developed such a good relationship with him that you are kept informed of his business decisions, namely that of a new school that he openedand not only that but you have been in contact with the teachers that he employs and have conversed with them enough to feel comfortable asking them whether or not theyre paid well and on time? Does anyone who has read that actually believe it? Does this appear as complete fiction and nonsense to anyone else? You CANNOT be for real.
I dont know Stephen Cho nor have I ever previously heard of Eduorange or Orange Education or whatever that recruiting business is called. I havent the slightest clue if he is a good recruiter or a bad one. I cannot verify the bad stuff about him on this thread so I have no idea whether or not its true, although Im not sure why someone would blacklist a recruiter if he/she/they did everything right. I have no stake in this matter at all. You obviously do. Your comments about him cannot possibly be correct and unbiased.
And why would someone change the name of their recruiting company if they arent recruiting anymore? You never answered that one.
If you write something again, make sure that it makes sense.

Messages In This Thread
Stephen Cho from EDUORANGE - worst recruiter in Korea -- Anonymous -- 2010-09-11
Re Stephen Cho from EDUORANGE - worst recruiter in Korea -- Carrie Schubert -- 2011-03-25
Re Stephen Cho from EDUORANGE - worst recruiter in Korea -- Stan -- 2011-05-15
Re Stephen Cho from EDUORANGE - worst recruiter in Korea -- Rod -- 2011-03-26
Re Stephen Cho from EDUORANGE - worst recruiter in Korea -- Rod -- 2011-03-26
Re Stephen Cho from EDUORANGE - worst recruiter in Korea -- Ashley Fox -- 2010-12-14
Re Stephen Cho from EDUORANGE - worst recruiter in Korea -- Seoul_Guy -- 2011-06-18
Orange Education Co. -- Stan -- 2011-05-15
Re Orange Education Co. -- Ashley -- 2011-05-15
Re: Orange Education Co. -- Gary G. -- 2011-06-14
Re: Orange Education Co. -- Joseph Moore -- 2011-06-14
Re Orange Education Co. -- Seoul_Guy -- 2011-06-11
Re Stephen Cho from EDUORANGE - worst recruiter in Korea -- Chris -- 2011-01-30
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