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anonymous - 2011-06-15

Posting here to warn potential teachers to avoid this company. Lots of half-truths, empty promises, and poor communication for most of the school year. New teachers will be scammed into working on an (F) visa (which is illegal), hustled around cheap hotels when they first arrive, given a very brief and poor "training", and then thrown into some kindergarten in Beijing to fend for themselves. You will also have to pay your own airfare, hotel, medical tests, as well as furnish your apartment (ours had little or nothing in the way of bedding and basic cooking equipment). Yes they did cover the TEFL training but TEFL is practically worthless now without a university degree also (unless you want to work illegally on an (F) visa). The company also promised on its website to have an English interpreter/assistant "present in every class" but that turned out to be a lie also. We had to work many days on our own without any assistant, which is good for learning Chinese but bad for teachers who may not speak Chinese already. We can confirm that half of the new wave of FT's quit in their first 4 months, which is quite significant considering a new hire base of 60+ FT's. The American recruiters will tell you anything in order to get you to come to China. It means a higher commission for them if they fill their quota. Serious teachers should look elsewhere unless they enjoy entertaining children.

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