View Thread · Previous · Next Return to Index › China: A special recruiter to get a job for me
Ron - 2011-06-29

I'm not qualified to teach English - I am an ex coal miner. I don't mind teaching in a polluted envirnment that most westerners would shun. I want to teach in a dirty backwater that has great difficulty attracting foreign teachers, more chance of being appeciated there by my Chinese boss.
If my accomodation will be dirty and with cockroaches and other vermin, even mice, I won't care. I need enough money to eat out in small, dirty restaurants, smoke profusely, and drink gallons of beer in my apartment. And I need some money left over at the end of each month to pay for the services of a common tart, needn't be very beautiful. That kind of woman must be cheaper in a poor backwater than in a big city. I need a job in the public education sector in China, either at a lowly college or at a senior high school, as I'm a rather lazy bloke. And I don't have patience with children. I'm approaching 50, and am looking to try my luck teaching EFL abroad in a country with low standards in that industry. China fits the bill admirably. Please kindly post the name of a recruiter who is good at placing unqualified white westerners like me where they are badly needed.

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