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Interested Party - 2011-06-30

You are always talking about the fact that there are such better places one could seek employment but you never actually go as far as to elaborate. All I have seen in the many threads I have browsed here are the same group of people, including you, slating one school after another for being crap. Now ok maybe many of them are but how come no one ever bothers to post something about the positive employers? I can't find a single post with anything relating to an employer worth working for by any of you and if I have overlooked something above talking about working in the state schools then forgive me and put up a link.

I worked in the state school system. It was exactly the same scenario as working in the private ones be it directly or through a recruiter. Cancelled classes because of exams or trips out without telling me, lengthy holidays which were unpaid, no sick pay and ludicrously low salaries which barely covered my living expenses.

If these are the only kind of places you have to offer as your recommendation then thanks but I will pass. been there, read the book and got the t-shirt. And I cannot believe that someone who has a doctorate in languages would be wasting their time working in such a position, talk about being over qualified!!

CSS is right, lets agree to disagree because this is going nowhere. It is complicated to find out useful information here due to all the arguing so what does get posted gets lost and overlooked and most of the regular posters, at least from what I can see, have something to say on each and every single employer in the country whether they have worked there or not and none of it is good!!! I think anyone who stumbles across this particular site with an intention of coming to China to teach would be having a serious rethink after reading here because all they will see is bad news and people fighting like kids. Not exactly much of an incentive.

I'm outta here, argue, bitch, rip the **** out of each other and anyone who dares question your totalitarian opinions. You have been marginally entertaining but entertainment is not why I came here. I think it is sad and very depressing that there are people like you in Asia teaching with such a bleak, pessimistic and sorry outlook on everything concerning your employment.

Oh dear!!!! Did the nasty wasty Chinese people do bad things to little teacher. There there!!!

HEADS UP!!!! We live in a lousy world where lousy people do lousy things to others. Where you go from that point is up to you but it seems quite clear you made your choice already.

You can either sit behind your computer everyday crying and obsessing over it all bitter and vengeful like little captain Ahabs or you can post up what happened for the benefit of others one time and move on.

I'll leave you to swim around in the cesspit you have created for yourselves. That said I still wish you all luck, if anyone needs it me thinks it is you people.

Messages In This Thread
Re: Wall Street English -- Interested Party -- 2011-06-30
Re: Wall Street English -- Crap School Spotter -- 2011-06-30
Re: Wall Street English -- San Miguel -- 2011-07-01
Re: Wall Street English -- Silver Sedge -- 2011-06-30
Re: Wall Street English -- Oldtimer -- 2011-06-30
Re: Wall Street English -- San Miguel -- 2011-06-30
Re: Wall Street English -- Oldtimer -- 2011-06-30
Re: Wall Street English -- San Miguel -- 2011-07-01
Re: Wall Street English -- Oldtimer -- 2011-07-02
Re: Wall Street English -- Jock -- 2011-07-02
Re: Wall Street English -- San Mig -- 2011-07-03
Re: Wall Street English -- Jock -- 2011-07-03
Re: Wall Street English -- San Mig -- 2011-07-04
Re: Wall Street English -- Jock -- 2011-07-04
Re: Wall Street English -- Jean -- 2011-07-03
Re: Wall Street English -- Interested Party -- 2011-07-04
Re: Wall Street English -- Interested Party -- 2011-07-03
Re: Wall Street English -- Jock -- 2011-07-03
Re: Wall Street English -- Jock -- 2011-07-03
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