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foxy - 2011-07-04
In response to Re International school in Fuzhou (Non-crazy)

I know what you're saying, but I suspect it will fall upon deaf ears in the case of almost all of the instigators of rude posts. I think having an ongoing debate with them regarding mutual differences of opinion is very unlikely to be productive, and that's probably what the mischief-makers among them are hoping will happen.
I believe more latitude as regards board censorship is bound to ratchet up personal abuse whenever controversial topics appear. From personal experience, I can say that posting that a recruiter is just so-so when others have rubbished him is more than enough to get abuse in return.
You can ask the board to delete a particular post if you feel it insults you. I suppose whether somebody does so depends on his/her tolerance level. Personally, I'd never do that. But I can appreciate that everyone is different.
All the same, this board has posts that impart very useful information that cannot be found on other forums. I suspect that increased board censorship would diminish the number of posts of that sort. So, I'm content to see the board run the way it is at present.

Messages In This Thread
Re International school in Fuzhou -- Non-crazy -- 2011-07-02
Re International school in Fuzhou -- foxy -- 2011-07-03
Re International school in Fuzhou -- Non-crazy -- 2011-07-04
Re International school in Fuzhou -- foxy -- 2011-07-04
Re International school in Fuzhou -- Kevin -- 2011-07-05
Re International school in Fuzhou -- Non-crazy -- 2011-07-06
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