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Kevin - 2011-07-05
In response to Re International school in Fuzhou (foxy)

Posting on this site does hopefully help people that have no experience or idea what is happening in the world of ESL. I would hope that these post would never be censored as they do have a function to perform. There are alot of bitter folks out there with axes to grind and their words are just as helpful as those that have had good experiences. Sometimes the message gets lost in the translation though and I think it is the responsibility of the reader to sift through the rubbish and converse with those that seem rational and willing to discuss things in a mature manner.
I have been insulted here often and i will admit done my fair share as well but ultimately the goal is to tear down the curtain and secrecy and try not to let others be exploited. If even one person is helped then this site has done its job.
There are those that come to china for the cheap beer and woman, those that come for the experience and those that come to teach because they enjoy the job. Although these groups have different agendas and some might think that the other is a fool for thinking what they do it does not have to mean that one group cannot participate.

Messages In This Thread
Re International school in Fuzhou -- Non-crazy -- 2011-07-02
Re International school in Fuzhou -- foxy -- 2011-07-03
Re International school in Fuzhou -- Non-crazy -- 2011-07-04
Re International school in Fuzhou -- foxy -- 2011-07-04
Re International school in Fuzhou -- Kevin -- 2011-07-05
Re International school in Fuzhou -- Non-crazy -- 2011-07-06
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