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Ron - 2011-07-05

The agent you put up has found me a suitable job. :)
I have already signed a contract stamped by the senior high school where I'll be teaching next semester. It's in the backwaters of Sichuan province. My salary will be 4,200 Chinese yuan per calendar month, and my workload will be 19 classes per week. Each class will be 45 minutes in length. I will only have to prepare one lesson per week. The downnside is that I'll not get my salary for the long winter vacation, but I'll get 1,100 Chinese yuan for travel and 2,500 Chinese yuan in lieu of a one-way air ticket, at the end of the first semester. Mr Sang, my agent, assures me that my salary is enough to live off quite well if I do not throw money around. By the way, I read somewhere on another board that 2,000 Chinese yuan a month is more than enough to live off while having a reasonable standard of living in small places, like the one I'll be bound for during late August this year. The only negative is that Mr Sang thinks he cannot help me as my matchmaker in matters of love and marriage for two reasons. First, my lack of wealth. Second, where I'll be living. But he did say that I should look around locally, as there will be Chinese women there interested in meeting foreigners, though most of them will be poor and not beautiful. He said they will appreciate my kindness very much if I'm not stingy with them on dates. No problem for me, I don't mind spending money on dates if there is a good chance it will eventually lead to romance. Truth is, when a woman gives me the come-on, I cannot resist it, even if she's a bit of a dog. That's one of my shortcomings, one that wrecked my two marriages back in my homeland. But I shouldn't dwell on the past. I should think of the future. I'm so excited about going to China. Thanks a ton, Mr Asia, for posting that agent's name! :)

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