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Kevin - 2011-07-08

If that kind of thinking helps you sleep at night so be it. I am sure plenty of rapists have convinced themselves that the woman was asking for it. i have not mentioned cultural differences but life experience. you yourself have written in other posts the lack of matturity that university students have.
i can post till I am blue in the face and never will it be finished, for there are people here that have no conscience looking to take advantage of people that cannot defend themselves. You call the Chinese men scum for taking advantage of their position of power yet have no problem doing it yourself. If I am the only one who sees the problem here that's fine i guess. I can choose not to live out my life as a scumbag either in china or anywhere else. I will not ignore other peoples behavior though if I think its wrong regardless of what you say. I can sleep at night knowing that I have done the right thing.
As for my anger I will direct it at those who deserve it be they Chinese, American or any other person from any other country. There are things that are just wrong and I would say taking advantage of people is at the top of the list.

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Re Gold Star Recruitment -- Kevin -- 2011-07-08
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