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Mary Anne Johnson - 2011-07-31
In response to Re: Wuxi Gonghua Private School (Ralph)

Hello Ralph, hello all.

I got caught up last year in this Wuxi Gonghua Private School mess and all I can say is DON'T EVEN THINK ABOUT IT.

It has been in shambles since the posting on Wuxi Expat in 2007.

First, it is owned by a group of Taiwanese businessmen who cannot agree among themselves.

Second, the school is more than bankrupt -- it is irretrievably and permanently financially unstable.

Third, the local government has repeatedly stepped in to stabilize the situation to no avail.

Fourth, the principal Taiwanese owner absconded to Taipei with all of the latest operating funds of the school after a capital infusion was made by some investors, or so it is claimed. Who knows..

Fifth, you will not paid get there -- that is for sure.

Sixth, the person-in-charge of ripping off the foreigners is a lieing, conniving, dishonest creature beyond belief.

Seventh, your visa may actually be a perfectly PHONY, not real, counterfeit visa that will cost you not end of problems when and if you leave the country.

I can't believe that this school is trying to resurrect itself from the dead.

TO ALL FOREIGN TEACHERS : avoid, avoid, avoid, avoid, avoid, avoid, avoid, avoid, avoid.

Mary Anne Johnson
Memphis, TN

Messages In This Thread
Re: Wuxi Gonghua Private School -- Ralph -- 2011-07-31
Re: Wuxi Gonghua Private School - AVOID -- Mary Anne Johnson -- 2011-07-31
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