View Thread · Previous · Next Return to Index › Re: Jiangxi Science & Technology (Normal) University - Nanchang
C. Worthington - 2011-08-19

I considered this university for about 5 minutes two-or-three years ago.

There have been a great deal of not-so-good-things written about, about the management, the style, etc., etc.

I had also heard a great about PERSONAL SAFETY which is an issue that usually does not surface in China in terms of foreign teachers. These issues surfaces from foreign teachers still on the ground there, so to speak.

Given that so much had been made about personal safety (robberies, assaults, violence, etc., etc.), and that I had never, ever, ever received those warnings before here in this country (although during my tenure at a school known as "SIFLIS" I experienced a great deal of violence but it was all done by American and delivered against his fellow teachers), I decided 1,000% to pass on this university and on this province.

Again, as Turnoi wrote, I have no problems with Chinese peasants. I personally have actually had some very positive experiences with their kindness and lack of fear. When I was in Suzhou, I was walking on the sidewalk and I was run over by a car being driven by a rich, drunken local. I was injured. The police came, after about 2 hours, and the driver started telling all kinds of lies and using his "guangxi" or however you spell it to make the police believe that I WALKED into the car, even though the car was on the sidewalk. Well, do you know what? About 7 - 8 of these very, very simple day laborers, surely not even literate, and from another province, and hardly able to speak standard Chinese, saw the accident and gathered around. When the rich, fat bourgeois local started telling his lies to the police, they almost mugged him. And they tell their story and there were so many of them, and the police really didn't want that kind of a confrontation, so guess what? The police entered their side / my side of the story and the man eventually had to open his wallet and make a nice big fat payment. So please, let's leave Chinese peasants out of it.

Guangxi is about 50 years behind the rest of the country. The mentality is still very Stalinist. Avoid this university by all means.

Messages In This Thread
Jiangxi Science & Technology (Normal) University - Nanchang -- Former Teacher -- 2011-08-18
Re: Jiangxi Science & Technology (Normal) University - Nanchang -- San Migs -- 2011-08-18
Re: Jiangxi Science & Technology (Normal) University - Nanchang -- C. Worthington -- 2011-08-19
Re: Jiangxi Science & Technology (Normal) University - Nanchang -- San Migs -- 2011-08-19
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