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Dragonized - 2011-08-30
In response to Aston English, Xian (Paul tennant)

I worked at aston, it was one of my earliest gigs in china, I can tell you as a fact that there were in fact problems going all the way to the highest person in the company. If a teacher has his/her salary cheated, is verbally bullied/abused at work, has to deal with racism, and also with management who doesn't care about the teachers' respective individual rights the teacher literally HAS NOWHERE to turn to within the company. Just a lot of prayer and hope hope hope which doesn't always get people through to the other side of the proverbial rainbow.

I do not have a PH.D buddy. In fact people whom I have met who have multiple degrees can end up being the biggest and most manipulative dickwads. I can tell you that having met personally some aston management that I can say you are [edited] and you are so goddamn naive it isn't evem funny (that or you just have an agenda). BTW your company is still [edited]. Have a nice day.

Messages In This Thread
Aston English, Xian -- Paul tennant -- 2011-08-29
Re: Aston English, Xian -- gratified -- 2012-01-11
Re: Aston English, Xian -- San Migs -- 2011-12-25
Re: Aston English, Xian -- -- 2011-12-29
Re: Aston English, Xian -- San Migs -- 2011-12-29
Re: Aston English, Xian -- miffed -- 2011-12-29
Re: Aston English, Xian -- San Migs -- 2011-12-30
Re: Aston English, Xian -- miffed -- 2011-12-30
Re: Aston English, Xian -- Raoul F. Duke -- 2011-12-24
Re: Aston English, Xian -- Dragonized -- 2011-08-30
Re: Aston English, Xian -- Sausage Bean -- 2011-08-29
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