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Warren P. Hutchins - 2005-01-24

For all of you who have thought about teaching at Chifeng Yincai School, please read carully.

There have been NUMEROUS postings on the web about this school, with every warning possible.

For the last six months, Mike Hall, who has posted on this site today, has been teacher at that school. He was the lone "cheerleader" for the school, maintaining that everything is "much better", that the "foreign teachers are treated quite well", etc., that the school "has learned its lesson" about bad teachers, etc., etc.

Lo and behold, Mike has now left the school, with the same complaints, if NOT worse than all of his predecessors. The school has cut his wages by half, eliminated the end-of-year bonus, will force the teachers to pay for their apartments, etc., etc. Apparently, all of the foreign teachers have left en masse.

All of the foreign teachers also left en masse in October. As Mike writes, he regrets that he did not pay attention to all of the warnings all over the Internet.

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