Senay - 2011-09-25
In response to Re: LA PETITE ACADEMY OF BOUGIVAL (Valerie and Addie)

WARNING: If you see any comments by either of these two girls: Valerie Lauretta and Addie Sandbeck under the post titled: LA PETITE ACADEMY OF BOUGIVAL

It is important that you all ought to know that these two girls were hired to work but failed their trial period due to lack of professionalism and skill displayed for the role they took on. Having seen these comments made me realize how great a decision has been taken in their release and not for taking them on permanently.

It is very sad how people would go to such extends to gain revenge for something they themselves caused. All I can say is, I hope you can learn your lessons from your last experience and apply the lessons learnt in hour future career. Any hiring company who sees these comments under your name would stay a million miles away from you. You are really damaging whatever reputation you have even further in this way.

To the girls who try so hard to stain the name LA PETITE ACADEMY OF BOUGIVAL: the school is a brilliant set up and run by a very passionate and professional individual who would do anything to steer any dangerously minded people away from her students and establishment-just like she has done with you two. You two are victims of your own poor actions and holding blame on some one else is only bringing you down further.

Messages In This Thread
Re: LA PETITE ACADEMY OF BOUGIVAL -- Smersh -- 2011-09-21
Re: LA PETITE ACADEMY OF BOUGIVAL -- John Schwab -- 2011-09-25
Re: LA PETITE ACADEMY OF BOUGIVAL -- Valerie and Addie -- 2011-09-23
WARNING -- Senay -- 2011-09-25
Re: WARNING -- Lara -- 2011-09-27
Re: WARNING -- Valerie and Addie -- 2011-09-26
Re: WARNING: Don' work for Petite Academy de Stupidete a Bourgival -- Smersh -- 2011-09-25
Re: WARNING: Don' work for Petite Academy de Stupidete a Bourgival -- Senay -- 2011-09-26
Re: WARNING: Don' work for Petite Academy de Stupidete a Bourgival -- Smersh -- 2011-09-27
WARNING: Don' work for Petite Academy de Stupidete a Bourgival -- Smersh -- 2011-09-26
Re: WARNING -- Dragonized -- 2011-09-25
Re: WARNING -- Senay -- 2011-09-26
Re: WARNING -- Dragonized -- 2011-09-27
Re: WARNING -- Dragonized -- 2011-09-27
Re: WARNING -- nonsense -- 2011-09-26
Re: WARNING -- Dragonized -- 2011-09-26
Re: LA PETITE ACADEMY OF BOUGIVAL -- Helen Swanston -- 2011-09-25

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