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Jake - 2011-09-29
In response to Re: Suzhou Foreign Language School (C. Worthington)

Well, for starters, my name is Jake Fischer, not Kevin. You can reach me at 15050110727. And of course you know where i live -- it's the school where you USED to work. You know, the school that fired you. "Which one?" you ask. Were there so many? Shanghai Foreign Language School. It's a good school. I know cuz i work there. And if you don't already have my email address it's board462000@yahoo. (That one is about 12 years old, and I rarely check it. But it's one that I don't mind giving out. If you spam me it doesn't matter.) So yes, I'm for real. No, I don't throw desks or heavy books, but then again, nobody at this school does that. I've been in China teaching English for 3 years now, starting my 4th. Yes, I've had some not so good experience with different companies in the past, but no total disasters. And I've never been fired.

If you could provide some real information about yourself, like a name, maybe an email address and phone number where people can reach you to at least somewhat verify your identity, the address where you live now, maybe where you went to high school and which college you attended... maybe a little blurb about yourself, stuff like that, you might gain back some of the credibility that you lost with all these really absurd allegations about SFLS. As it is now, most people here can tell you're posting under a fake name, and hurling grossly exaggerated accusations at this Kevin guy who apparently was the one who got you fired. Yes, you got fired. Don't overreact by playing this childish numbers game: slinging a truckload of BS and hoping a fraction of it sticks. I don't know if you can be sued for libel on discussion forums like this but I would be careful if I were you. Jus' sayin's all...

Granted, I don't know all the details of Kevin's past, but your accusations that he is some kind of "hound from hell" are just not true. I've worked at this school in the primary school for over a month and have seen him maybe twice. He doesn't go around picking fights with teachers like you claim. None of my 34 lao wai coworkers have had any complaints at all about him. No "clique of angry, divorced old women," as you put it, has come to observe my classes and harrass me as you say they did with you. I haven't seen him carrying around heavy books or large desks waiting to fling them at unsuspecting teachers, but you know, maybe I'm just not paying close enough attention. I haven't seen him tossing small children about, as you claimed, but maybe they're just so small I can't see them.

Nobody has been anything but nice to me at this school, so I have a hard time believing any of the things you've been ranting about on this and countless other ESL forums. To be totally transparent, I did get docked 100 RMB because I was late for a class, but that's reasonable and I'm totally fine with that. That aside, this school has given me nothing to complain about.

Plus, as an added insult to you and your horrible ability to persuade people (If you had aspirations of becoming a trial lawyer, give up.), I took this job AFTER reading all the BS you wrote about it. Nice try but anybody that knows how to read knows you're crying wolf.

So I don't think this school is the problem. Maybe the problem is you.

Messages In This Thread
Re: Suzhou Foreign Language School -- C. Worthington -- 2011-09-25
Re: Suzhou Foreign Language School -- Jake -- 2011-09-26
Re: Suzhou Foreign Language School -- C. Worthington -- 2011-09-28
Re: Suzhou Foreign Language School -- Jake -- 2011-10-11
Re: Suzhou Foreign Language School -- Jake -- 2011-09-29
Re: Suzhou Foreign Language School -- confused@sfls -- 2011-09-30
Re: Suzhou Foreign Language School -- C. Worthington -- 2011-09-30
Re: Suzhou Foreign Language School -- Dragonized -- 2011-09-30
Re: Suzhou Foreign Language School -- confused@sfls -- 2011-09-30
Re: Suzhou Foreign Language School -- Dragonized -- 2011-09-29
Re: Suzhou Foreign Language School -- C. Worthington -- 2011-09-29
Re: Suzhou Foreign Language School -- taught@sfls -- 2011-09-30
Re: Suzhou Foreign Language School -- Dragonized -- 2011-09-30
Re: Suzhou Foreign Language School -- Smersh -- 2011-09-26
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