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confused@sfls - 2011-09-30
In response to Re: Suzhou Foreign Language School (Jake)

I don't think I understand the meaning of this thread. There are THIRTY-FOUR teachers at SFLS currently. Let me type that again: THIRTY-FOUR. Last year there were TWENTY-EIGHT. Yet when anyone from this school comes onto this website and says they are happy with their job or they think the school is swell, that person is automatically Kevin? Why is that? I mean, sure, just like any other school, there can be former teachers who did not have a good time or did not have a good experience, that's a given. But why would any educated person believe the antics shown on this website? If it was a calm and somewhat civilized discourse concerning the ups and downs of this establishment, I think those against and their arguments would hold more water. But just calling people names like "Jake the Fake" or "Kevin the Bevin" (wtf?), seems a bit like you are defeating your own purpose. I too read these forums - - and others - - before taking a job here and I saw right through the true "fakes".

And here's what I don't get also: This C. Worthington person claims she worked at this school last year, 2009-2010 term, right? So, wouldn't she know Jake or at least know OF Jake who was also here last year? I may or may not know who C. Worthington is pretending to be but I KNOW she didn't work in the international department of this school last year, and I suspect I know who "she" really is based on other postings I've read here and other sites.

As I wrote in the beginning,
I was employed at the school this past year.
My contract was not renewed because of this person. And he writes that no "C. Worthington" was ever employed at the school. He should read my posts carefully -- "Worthington" is my mother's maiden name and "C". is my middle initial. I am just so, so, so afraid of this person, truly I am, even at a great distance and I stand with trepidation at the harm and evil that he can do and I have seen him do to foreign teachers whom he decides to render asunder. I tremble when I think of the violence that he committed and the verbal abuse in which he engaged.

But "she" says just yesterday:

re fischer, this is just a paid political announcement.

You have been there one month and you know everything?
how whacked?

And you have been there one month and your pay has already been docked?

I don't expect all teachers to know each and every other teacher like long time pals or anything, but we do all pass each other in the halls, share occasional emails, eat in the canteen together, even attend special school functions together so we all have a basic knowledge of who each other is. Yet, C. Worthington said that Jake has only worked here one month. No, what Jake said was:

I've worked at this school in the primary school for over a month
and have seen him maybe twice. He doesn't go around picking fights with teachers like you claim. None of my 34 lao wai coworkers have had any complaints at all about him.

Jake has only worked in the primary department for a month, not the entire school. So, yeah, I can understand misreading that by an outsider and thinking maybe Jake's only worked here for a month in total, but someone who worked an entire school year at the same time Jake worked here and not knowing of at least his existence, well, you can understand why I am "confused@sfls"!! Hell, I don't "know" all the teachers all that well, it's a big school after all. But I can pass them in the hall and say "Good Morning xxxx" to any and all of them after only two or three months of working with them. So, still working on a few of the newer teachers and their names, but I "know" Jake fairly well as he's been a positive force in this school for over a year now.

Messages In This Thread
Re: Suzhou Foreign Language School -- C. Worthington -- 2011-09-25
Re: Suzhou Foreign Language School -- Jake -- 2011-09-26
Re: Suzhou Foreign Language School -- C. Worthington -- 2011-09-28
Re: Suzhou Foreign Language School -- Jake -- 2011-10-11
Re: Suzhou Foreign Language School -- Jake -- 2011-09-29
Re: Suzhou Foreign Language School -- confused@sfls -- 2011-09-30
Re: Suzhou Foreign Language School -- C. Worthington -- 2011-09-30
Re: Suzhou Foreign Language School -- Dragonized -- 2011-09-30
Re: Suzhou Foreign Language School -- confused@sfls -- 2011-09-30
Re: Suzhou Foreign Language School -- Dragonized -- 2011-09-29
Re: Suzhou Foreign Language School -- C. Worthington -- 2011-09-29
Re: Suzhou Foreign Language School -- taught@sfls -- 2011-09-30
Re: Suzhou Foreign Language School -- Dragonized -- 2011-09-30
Re: Suzhou Foreign Language School -- Smersh -- 2011-09-26
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