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confused@sfls - 2011-10-10
In response to Re: It's Fake! Yes, truly!!!! (Jake)

From “StephanieB”, May 2009

The level of violence against both the students -- by foreign teacher and the local staff -- is truly horrible and is beyond anything acceptable in Western countries. It is even beyond anything acceptable in China today. In early autumn, 2008, I actually witnessed desks being thrown at children, books being thrown at children, children's pencils flung across the room in anger, pencils being broken and snapped at children and children who were picked up by the collars of their shirts and flung across the room. This is not "hearsay" but things I witnessed when I was "forced" to "observe" the "great master's" classes to learn how to teach. When I tried to say something to the management, I was screamed at incessantly and told to keep my mouth shut as this was the "great master" and it was "his department". Eventually, I broke under the abuse and left.

From “C. Worthington”, August, 2011

You will have to endure two levels of management at this "school" -- the Chinese upper management, whom you will never, ever, ever meet, and the American mid-level managers who will bark at you and abuse you on a daily basis.

One of these mid-level managers (and almost all of them are white males, in their late 40's, and they almost all weigh at least 400 pounds) was a former pizza delivery boy in the States. Another was, quite frankly, a prison guard, yes, a prison guard, until somehow, somehow he managed to "acquire" a university education.

(PS: The “prison guard” being referred to left this school 3 months before “C. Worthington” even worked there! Interesting.)

They will scream at you at will. When that does not suffice, they will send you emails from h*ll. Or better yet, on the rare occasions when there are staff meetings (usually after hours, on your free time), etc., etc., they will berate you in front of the other staff.

Please expect no support from the Chinese senior management. These white, overweight male managers are their attack dogs.

From “StephanieB”, May, 2009

There are three or four departments within the school, each managed by American teachers. Each American head teacher is a white male, in his late 50’s, and believe it or not, each one weighs at least 350-400 pounds. I never saw so many fat white males under one roof in a foreign

From “Suzhou Teacher Also”, August, 2011

If you like having desks thrown at you, please go to work for him. If you like having books thrown at you in fits of anger, please go to work for him. If you like being humiliated in public by a 225 kilo ogre, then please go to work for him. If you like working for a former Pizza Hut delivery boy, yes, a delivery boy, who suddenly morphed into a school leader in China, then go to work for him.

And . . .

In any case, as I said, he is really good a throwing desks, having hissy fits, flinging books, smacking little children, being an ogre.

(PS: This one claims he has never worked at the school! Interesting.)

From “Diana”, June, 2009

He screamed and screamed and screamed at me on so many occasions, in public and in private. I saw him throw desks, I actually saw him do this, at little children. I actually saw him fling books at little children. I saw him pick children up and toss them about.

(Also, be sure to check out – in the same thread – the prolific musings from one “The Truth”, who has also apparently never worked at this school. Interesting.)

From “Marie-Stephanie de la Garde”, April, 2009

There are three or four departments within the school, each managed by American teachers. Each American head teacher is a male, in his late 50′s, and believe it or not, each one weighs at least 350-400 pounds. I never saw so many fat white males under one roof in a foreign country.

And from “C. Worthington”, July 2011

First of all, I am signing this post with my maiden name and my middle initial. I am dreadfully afraid of this school and of one individual in particular.
I worked there for one full academic year 2010 – 2011. They didn’t ask me back and I surely did not want to go back.

I find all these various postings on these various websites . . . interesting. There are even more on other websites but I'm tired and now bored with all this. You all can do your own legwork. They all seem to be from the

who either has or has not worked at this school either in 2009 or 2011 and is either a male or female depending on the season and reason. Yet the obvious duplication of information (sometimes almost word for word) is still supported by regulars such as Turnoi and Silverboy as the gospel truth, and whom they swear are a cacophony of different people. However, I cannot, for the life of me, fathom why. And that’s why I’m still very . . . . “confused@sfls”!
Messages In This Thread
Re: It's Fake! Yes, truly!!!! -- Jake -- 2011-10-09
Re: It's Fake! Yes, truly!!!! -- confused@sfls -- 2011-10-10
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