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confused@sfls - 2011-10-11

I am "confused" by this statement.

Yes, there will always be turnover at SFLS as well as most any school throughout China. Some teachers will leave after a few months, others after a completed contract, and even others after 2-3-4 years or more. Not ALL teachers that leave are bitter and disgruntled. Many people come to China for a variety of reasons: to explore China, to change up their lives a bit, the thrill of an adventure, to find a spouse. Teaching could be an end to a means for some. "I will go to China to teach for a year, explore ancient cities, learn a bit of the language, sow some wild oats. Then I will return home and resume my normal life." That does happen, you know. Teachers that leave this school do not always do so unhappily, believe it or not. And your statement seems to reflect that only new teachers are at this school currently. There are several FTs that have been here for 5-6-7 years now. From what I hear, some plan on staying around for several more years to come, maybe even retire at this school.

There were two teachers who left last school year mid-way through their contract. They were nice, intelligent, seemingly okay with their jobs, but they couldn't seem to blend in well with China as a whole. See they were two, young, fresh-out-of-college females who were on an adventure together that didn't pan out the way they had hoped. They politely and professionally asked the school to end their contract early. Guess what? No screaming, no throwing things, no huge lawsuits. They may have had to pay a breach penalty and possibly forfeited their airfare reimbursement, I don't know, I didn't ask - - not my business. Their job performance was fine and they were there every day, bright and early and worked well into the afternoon most days. This was not a drama or some weird-o thing. It was just an occurrence. One of many over the long history of this school. People come, people go. People stay, people don't stay. Now I bet you, "dragonized" or "turnoi" or even "C. Worthington" can take this small bit of information and twist into something evil and sick. You can take that story and say that "Kevin the Bevin" must have bullied them and so on and so on and you actually now KNOW these two and they were just recently sobbing to you on a Skype tele-conference or something. This kind of behavior is just getting old and tired. None of these kinds of silly postings are ever supported with actual names, dates, times, locations, witnesses or any other sort of credible and believable details. Just the same old-same old.

To continue to demonize this school based on the rantings of "C. Worthington" (for whom all of us know what's going on with him, admit it or don't), is getting just a tad bit ludicrous. I notice there is nobody and I mean NOBODY else at this website that has come on and said that they too have worked for this school and have had a horrible time of it. There are random postings here and there across the internet but it seems like the balance is weighted more on positive experiences rather than negative ones. It's just that the negative ones get re-visited and stirred up every few months by the same person or couple of persons. Why is that? Can't those one or two persons just, you know . . . MOVE ON? It's over and it's been over for a long time now. Time marches on. He (or "they") have said their piece, many times over. He (or "they") have done their duty. Savvy and intelligent readers can separate the wheat from the chaff. Just to bellow and bellow the same so-called "facts" over and over again seems slightly deranged and certainly immature, to say the least.

And then when the same 3 or 4 long-time regulars come on and back up these one or two individuals, saying they "know" this person and I guess must be "really good friends" with him, I feel by now you are doing yourself more of a disservice when casual readers come to this board rather than shoring up your credibility. So I am still . . . "confused@sfls"!

Messages In This Thread
Re: It's Fake! Yes, truly!!!! -- Jake -- 2011-10-09
Re: It's Fake! Yes, truly!!!! -- The Bevin -- 2011-10-09
Re: It's Fake! Yes, truly!!!! -- Jake -- 2011-10-09
Re: It's Fake, truly, really, and extremely hollow to boot -- Dragonized -- 2011-10-10
Re: It's Fake, truly, really, and extremely hollow to boot -- confused@sfls -- 2011-10-11
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