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PAST TEACHER - 2011-10-12

First, FEN is a small family-run Eikaiwa, with an attached Juku.

Although it has been around for a long time, FEN is pretty unstable and often chnages head teachers, teachers, and rules. In general, the changes over the last 5 years have been to decrease salaries, increase workload, and tighten up on the rules.

The first thing I would say is if you are going to get paid 250000 - 270000 as they advertise, you are better off going and working as an ALT.
The reasons for this are many:
1. Most teachers generally teach around 20 classes a week between 2-10pm. It doesn`t sound too bad, until they tell you a few months in that you actually offically have no breaks at all but they will very kindly let you pop down to the convinience store and bring something back to your desk to eat. It will probably depend on the head teacher, but in for many years FEN has deceived teachers by telling them that they they had a 2pm-10pm schedule and then adding after a few months that if you would like a break, please start at 1pm- because there are actually no breaks from 2-10pm.
2. Why would they care if you took a break? Because they want you to do a range of other office work. So much of it that it actually became near impossible to spend 10 minutes preparing for each lesson. You don`t even generally get a 10-minute `break` between lessons because the school encourages kids to read from a set homework book in the breaks and you are often forced to go and listen to the kids read instead of preparing or having a break of any kind between lessons.
3. There are `paid holidays` which are rare, as at most schools, but at FEN you need to arrange them yourself by asking other teachers to teach for you, and also teach the other teachers classes when they are on holiday. So, in addition to the hassle of having to arrange the holiday, you are actually only swapping lessons- hardly what i call a paid holiday.
4. Don`t plan to check your email in a break. Remember, there are no breaks. The management is always trying to squeeze a little more out of the staff and 10 minutes spent online is 10 minutes you could have been producing a new curriculum for the local elementary school . FEN has always had dreams of expanding but has never really been successful due to their inability to manage the school, and retain good teachers.
5. Family drama is ridiculous. I would watch it religiously if it were on TV. The mother is lovely but still is the main driving force behind overworking the teachers which results in poor retention. She sits at reception, which is about 3 meters from the teachers room which is overcrowded. The daughters which are trying to take management roles are inept and, as is the case in most family businesses, unprofessional due to their inability to seperate work and family. The father is the shacho. He doesn`t associate with foreigners unless they are blond and russian, in which case he will provide them with a nice apartment. The company does `help` the staff finid apartments whic are generally private (not shared) and cost around 50000 a month. They also sponsor visas.

In general, avoid Eikaiwas, especially family run ones.

Messages In This Thread
FEN Foreign language academy Saitama Asaka Japan -- PAST TEACHER -- 2011-10-12
Re FEN Foreign language academy Saitama Asaka Japan -- higgsboson -- 2015-03-06
Re FEN Foreign language academy Saitama Asaka Japan -- ex-FEN staff -- 2015-03-06
Re: FEN Foreign language academy Saitama Asaka Japan -- A Different Past Teacher -- 2014-03-24
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