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Raymond Hopkins - 2011-11-07

I try to avoid using the basis of race as a reason why I get passed over for or why I don't get something, but in this case I can't deny that it was a chief factor in why I wasn't considered for an interview in this case.

I recently applied for an ESL position with Korea Global Connections. I
have 13 years experience teaching in Japan to middle school aged children
and young adults in high school and university. I also have an M.A. in
Education and my 100-hour TESOL certification. When I applied for the job
at, I almost immediately got a reply from KGC.

On Oct 11, 2011, at 11:22 PM, Anna Jeon wrote:

Dear Raymond

My name is Anna Jeon from Korea Global Connections Thank you for your
submission to us. I will do my best to find you a good and suitable

I have attached information of necessary visa document, please take a
look at it and order it asap.

Can you tell me when you plan to come to Korea?

Can you email me resume written in MS word and recent colour photos (
smiling photo will be great!)?

I replied with a very cordial email, a second copy of my resume (they
already had a copy of it via, otherwise they wouldn't have
contacted me) and my picture. That's when the communication stopped. I
tried to get a status report and follow-up both via the email address and
Twitter given to me, but never got a response. My qualifications were
obviously not at fault seeing how that was why they contacted me initially.
The only thing that could have changed their mind about going through with
recruitment was the picture I sent them.a picture of a black man in a suit
and tie.

It appears that KGC is practicing in discrimination by race in their
recruiting practices and I think that it should be known by people
potentially wanting to teach in Korea that they do.

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