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Britannia Educational Services - 2011-12-02
In response to Re: Britannia Educational Services, Erbil, Kurdistan (dupedinkurdistan)

These alleged allegations have been taken very seriously by the Management at Britannia Educational Services and we would like to refute these claims by a disgruntled employee who we know to have also been dismissed from various other reputable institutions such as Salhaddin University, Jihan University and Isik University in Erbil. This person has also waged virulent campaigns on other language schools in Erbil such as the Kingery School of English being one of them with widely abhorrent untrue accusations.
We have now become victim to their tirade of hate and jealousy.

To refute the claims of us being misleading

We would like to state that we are the genuine and authentic agent for INTO in Iraq

The authorized centre University of Cambridge ESOL exams in Iraq (

Authorized to provide the Pearson Test of English Academic (

And City and Guilds (

Regarding the libelous claim that we have stolen student’s money – this is wholly untrue and we will be taking legal advice as to this libel statement.

To publicly refute this claim – we state the following -:
1. We currently do not provide services for undergraduates
2. All applications are processed directly to UK universities and the University fees are never given to us but always paid directly by the student to the university.

Regarding teachers we have had our fair share of unqualified and unprofessional teachers who we have had to let go, of course they are not happy with this decision and choose recourse through these sites – but most of our teachers are professional and we have provided them with excellent references.

People are entitled to their opinions and free speech, people are NOT entitled to lie or spread incorrect stories that are damaging to other people or companies.

What is internet libel?

Messages In This Thread
Re: Britannia Educational Services, Erbil, Kurdistan -- dupedinkurdistan -- 2011-04-11
(Message Deleted by Poster) -- Shocked -- 2013-03-29
Re: Britannia Educational Services, Erbil, Kurdistan -- Beelzebub -- 2013-03-29
Re: Britannia Educational Services, Erbil, Kurdistan -- BostonAbroad -- 2013-02-23
reply to dupedinkurdistan -- Britannia Educational Services -- 2011-12-02
Re: Britannia Educational Services, Erbil, Kurdistan -- Burnout -- 2011-04-12
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