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Rastus Cleveland - 2012-02-01

Even though YBM's ads talk a good game, the day-to-day running of the institute comes down to the whims of the academic director, who has carte blanche. The head office in Seoul couldn't care less about what happens in this branch location. If the director decides to do a contract swap on you as soon as you arrive and thus save the school some money, then he will do so. What can you do? Accept it or fly out at your own expense. The school says that three million per month is possible, but no one here ever gets close to that. Yes, there is a lot of overtime available on Saturdays, but since the incumbent academic director is incapable of planning teaching schedules, many teachers have to work Saturdays at the regular rate to log in their contract-required thirty hours. Some teachers get their thirty hours in the week, though. This director, one B[edited], gives no pleasure to ladies, as his name might suggest, for he calls them "bitches" right to their face. He favors his buddies, and some of them earn top dollar for teaching Saturday classes, even though they are not employed by the institute. His partiality is painfully obvious with the working schedules, for some teachers learn their next month schedules weeks before other teachers do. Some teachers get a straight shot and finish shortly afte noon every day, while others must be there for the whole 16 hours every day. Since YBM pays the least of all hagwons, my advice is for you to try elsewhere.

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