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Luke McKee - 2012-02-08 (in Korean - but enjoy the multimedia especially with a Korean friend)

This illegal business has been shut down by myself, a hot-shot investigative reporter (Jeju Domin ilbo) and a KBS investigative news crew, and many many others in a collective effort to end this mans reign of terror.

Lets not forget the the 15 minute prime-time special on (Jeju-ga Boinda live current affairs program) 1st Feb 2012
2 Front pages news stories and syndicated coverage in nearly all the newspapers in Korea (Yeon-hap, Cheonson, SBS et all)
All the links are on the site above. If this doesn't convince you not to work for this criminal business nothing will.

And yes He still hasn't paid me yet, a few weeks before my wife gives birth. Lee Chan Won the owner and the recruiter Peter Jung ( Korean name Jeong-Yeon-Woo are criminals and are expecting a stint in jail, or more massive fines than the usual $3000 dollars the last time they ran an illegal camp. Peter Jung has many unpaid staff damaged complaints from his translation business and is equally a criminal. You can see them on He can't even use his real address on his website because the SamHo building is only 4 levels high. He claims to be on the 6th floor on all 6 of his websites. Wow that's some repedative typo, and yes all of his gangnam addressess too are fake, as I checked with building management. No wonder Lee chan won needs a safe door and he needs to hide, I bet there are lots of people out there now trying to kill them both.

In addition to not paying teachers he didn't pay the gas bill (Sehwa gas guy was on TV too!) leaving the kids in freezing cold rooms in the middle of winter. That is criminal child neglect. I'm surprised the police didn't charge him on the spot for criminal neglect. I was a assaulted earlier at camp, and when I went back with a witness they asked me to go to the office (the only part of the Bora Bora hotel - they actually could accuse anyone of trespass. The owner of course of the resort still wasn't paid either (and yes you guessed it he was on TV too). So the Police arrive and then realize all the kids are complaining about being in cold rooms. The Police called all the parents on the spot.

Lee Chan Won: Infamous Owner who likes to given drunken death threats (on tape) Words can't desribe how much of an ass he makes of himself, except his own.
Che Jin Gwan" (TimChangNim Sidekick who dicks people around and called the cops, then lied about the camp ending when it wasn't)
(I later caught him on camera at the airport trying to bring in more replacement teachers to work for free - and that stunt went prime time on the 9pm national news in Korea)
Lee Sang Gil: An old man who likes to creep in to girls dormitories and fondle kids bottoms. All Korean staff were fired before a single foreigner was over this incident alone.
Yes I don't make these bold claims without third party statements accusing him of possible pedophile grooming activity. The camp is all that bad and worse.

That's why nobody in their right mind will ever work in this unlicensed criminal enterprise again. If they are stupid enough to run another camp and a makeshift hotel/resort again, considering their old facilitity some may know was demolished for being on top of a copper smelter and for building code infractions (I have the demolition pictures!) I'm sure we will catch them. Be very careful in accepting any camp job and get the travel directions to get there BEFORE you sign any contract. Then check if it is really the address of an English camp facility!.

Also thanks to the Lost on Jeju blog, and a big BOO and hiss for Eugene from the Rhymes with Jeju mailing list for giving false advise. Also Todd Thacker from the Jeju English weekly solicited information about the camp like he was going to run the story, then said he would only run it if others do because of legal reasons. Finally after every other paper in the land ran the story he refused to, exposing that he is just a front for the government to gather information on what needs to be suppressed before it gets out of hand. Well mate it did get out of hand and stuff is getting done to clean up the mess.



Messages In This Thread
Jeju International English Village (, a.k.a. Oxford College in Korea - ESL school review -- Anonymous -- 2006-08-10
Re: Jeju International English Village (, a.k.a. Oxford College in Korea - ESL -- Luke McKee -- 2012-02-08
Jeju International English Village, AKA Oxford College, AKA Korea Campus Group - ESL school review -- Anonymous -- 2006-09-12
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