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Eric - 2012-02-12

Edison Y[edited] (name unconfirmed) is a consumate liar. If his lips are moving, what you hear is a lie. He does not pay for overtime work, as he promises, even in his (so-called) contracts. He does not reimburse taxi fares between his offices and off-site work locations. He does not give holidays as required by Chinese law. He does not reimburse airfare expenses, even if promised in his contracts. He frequently uses fabrication and subterfuge to promulgate his lies and deceits, even conscripting the "school" authorities to aid in his machinations. Here is a description of one of his favourite ruses:

As a teacher's contract is nearing completion (and thereby exposure of his interests to end-of-contract obligations), he will renew their foreign expert certificate and their visa for 364 days (not the full year, as this costs 800 yuan--one day less saves him 400 yuan). Meanwhile, the existing contract will expire. Nevertheless, the teacher will continue being scheduled for work assignments while he "negotiates" a contract renewal. This tactic is usually successful in duping the poor foreign teacher into continuing to work for another month. Well...almost a month. What eventually happens is that the as[edited] Ye will "break off" negotiations on a fabricated pretense a mere one or two days before the month is complete, thereby avoiding the necessity of demonstrating "cause" for dismissal. This tactic prevents the concurrent liability of paying a month's salary for dismissal without cause (as stipulated by Chinese law). Having been dismissed summarily, the poor teacher is suddenly without income. As[edited] Ye will then refuse to pay any outstanding obligations remaining from the former contract (e.g. airfare, taxi fares, overtime, "bonus"), including his obligation under Chinese law to pay a month's salary in lieu of one month's notice of termination. Calls to his mobile phone will be screened or go unanswered; ditto for all email and mobile text messages sent his way.

As indicated above, his other employees are his accomplices in this deceit. They go by the names of J[edited], D[edited] and T[edited]. As[edited] Ye has also successfully recruited a foreign teacher into his cabal (named above), who runs interference on this site on his behalf. What benefit this lackey receives is unknown by this writer, but no doubt includes his continued employment and legal status in China. With substantial risk to the employee in question, should they choose to abandon the deceit, this amounts to extortion by the as[edited] Ye and his accomplices. Without doubt, this lackey will fabricate further aspersions against my character, professional conduct and skill in order to discredit my reports.

The as[edited] Ye, J[edited] and D[edited] are all tobacco addicts, and will support each other against any non-smoker (such as myself), and any foreign teacher who dares to challenge them as they continue smoking in the offices, hallways and even in the classrooms in the presence of other staff and students (posted signs notwithstanding). His "employee" Tr[edited] is actually his [edited], for whom he [edited]. This demonstrates how the as[edited] Ye is incapable of honesty in any aspect of his life--he cheats everyone he knows, including his own family.

I could supply additional sordid stories of how he has cheated every foreign teacher I've met in his employ, but I have more productive and positive things to occupy my time. I will not respond to the posts of his lackeys and accomplices. Suffice to say that, having read this post, you--dear reader--have been amply warned to avoid the as[edited] Ye and any of his associates.

I know that you will read this, too, as[edited] Ye. I now have a court judgement in my favour against you and your company. Your criminal behaviour is a matter of public record. So...F**k you.

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