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Scott - 2012-02-17
In response to Dalian Ealing International College (Down with Esl Scammers)

Wow, a bunch of reactionaries or just the same person posting ridiculous comments under different names? Chinese mafia controlling the ESL business? One person says it's bad at a certain school and suddenly all of Dalian is a place to be avoided? Please children, get your parents' permission to use the computer before slandering legitimate businesses.

I will address the comments made by someone who sounds like a disgruntled former employee...

SWEATSHOP, overworked in poor working conditions... Your opinion is your opinion, but YOU signed the contract. 25-30 teaching hours per week. (a 35-40 minute class is a "teaching hour") No evenings or weekends. (Once monthly Saturday meeting) Working in a public school. Sounds like a cake-walk to me, not abuse.

FRAUDULENT teaching materials... fraudulent? I will admit that the materials leave a bit to be desired, sometimes a good bit. However, improving the materials is an ongoing project. The materials will never be perfect and anyone with teaching experience knows that teachers must adjust the material to fit their classes. If you want everything done for you, with no input into the material we are not the place for you to teach. If you want to make a positive contribution to improving the materials, we welcome your input. Maybe you'd rather just complain, instead of being productive.

BRINGING you to China under false pretenses. If it was made perfectly clear... if you are of a certain age, you CANNOT get a Z visa. If you were already IN China, say... marrying your much younger "mail order bride", then the school didn't "bring you here under false pretenses". And let's say, for the sake of argument, that the school said they would help you with the expenses of renewing another type of visa. Is it any wonder, after multiple harassment complaints by the female staff, this offer might be rescinded?

Is Ealing the PERFECT place to work? No, of course not. Do they make mistakes and do things differently than one would expect from an American business? Yes, of course. But TIC... this is China. Things are different here. And Ealing at the very least TRIES to improve and learn from their mistakes. Can we all honestly say the same about ourselves?

Messages In This Thread
Dalian Ealing International College -- Down with Esl Scammers -- 2012-02-15
Re: Dalian Ealing International College -- Scott -- 2012-02-17
Re: Dalian Ealing International College -- Down with Esl Scammers -- 2012-03-27
Re: Dalian Ealing International College -- Dragonized -- 2012-02-15
Re: Dalian Ealing International College -- Cici J -- 2012-02-18
Re: Dalian Ealing International College -- Dragonized -- 2012-02-19
Re: Dalian Ealing International College -- Ealing International College -- 2012-02-18
Ealing College VERY, VERY, VERY Bad Press -- Here's-Your-Answer -- 2012-02-18
Re: Dalian Ealing International College -- Ealing International College -- 2012-02-17
Ealing Smoke Screen and Bad Press Continued -- Here's-Your-Answer -- 2012-02-18
Re: Ealing Smoke Screen and Bad Press Continued -- Scott Murphy -- 2012-02-19
Re: Ealing Smoke Screen and Bad Press Continued -- Down with Esl Scammers -- 2012-03-27
Re: Ealing Smoke Screen and Bad Press Continued -- Investigator -- 2012-02-24
Re: Ealing Smoke Screen and Bad Press Continued -- Dragonized -- 2012-02-19
Re: Dalian Ealing International College -- San Migs -- 2012-02-15
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