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Dragonized - 2012-02-19
In response to Re: Ealing Smoke Screen and Bad Press Continued (Scott Murphy)

Wow, Mr. Here's Your Answer... I don't know if you have any experience working in China or any idea of the difficulties in getting teachers-in general, native speakers-in particular, and jumping through all of the hoops required to get said teachers? Do you realize that this whole episode has been started by ONE unhappy former employee and that you have all run with it, giving undue legitimacy to his rantings? I personally know every teacher who has worked for Ealing. These claims are not made by someone who is actually in a position to know if they are true or not.

You will see, that I am not afraid to post my name and contact details...(Murphy.1China) on Skype... why is our accuser "safely out of the country" so determined to remain anonymous?

First of all, getting native speakers isn't too hard. There are fresh out of college types who will come to china, buying into the thousands of years of culture kool-aid and such. Secondly, you acknowledge the fact that the original accusations were made by a former employee, yet you then state that this person is not in a position to make any legitimate statements. I think you are LYING. Thirdly, why the hell would anyone want to contact you by skype? Considering you might already be a [edited] who has no remorse and [edited] about making lies. With your condescending attitude you've already shown us that you're the bullying type who will not stand a dissenting voice in your business.

You have thrown up a lot of diversions and you have offered a lot of smokescreens and you have proffered some rather inconclusive denials but the truth is that ... you simply have not addressed the issues. I think the issues have been addressed quite adequately

Quite adequately? What because you've been the one addressing them? You are the know all of everything? Narcissistic is what you really are.

Do we pay late? No.

Our payday was changed, for one of our projects, from the 1st to the 10th of the month, to reflect when we receive payment from our client. Notification was not received by the teachers, as planned. Once management was made aware, salaries were payed immediately.

Do we withhold money from wages? No.
We do withhold the Housing Allowance in order to pay rent for those teachers for whom we have arranged housing. I personally have made my own housing arrangements and Ealing pays me my full Salary and Housing every month.

2. You stand charged by previous teachers with not providing teachers with the proper visas which has resulted with some teachers being deported from China.
Either you do this or you do not do this.
Do we "fail to provide" teachers with proper visas? No.

If we cannot get a legal visa for someone, we do no employ them. With the exception of those for whom we are in the process of obtaining a legal visa. New regulations put in place by the Chinese government make it increasingly difficult to obtain "Expert Certificates" for foreign teachers. Additionally, transferring TO a Z visa from another type now requires the applicant to return to their home country to apply for this visa. The Dalian government is one of the most strict on this point. We have NEVER had a teacher deported. NEVER.

You already contradicted YOURSELF on the first 2 accusations, therefore you already have little to no credibility. If it can change like this after the teacher has already signed a contract, what's not to say that in the future these things will still change? The 3rd contradiction is especially infuriating, you use people to help your business and if you cannot get a proper visa for them, then it's possible that you will simply let them go after a short time working there and in your mind you "never employed" them!

Have teachers been not paid their airfare reimbursements, due to failing to meet their contractual obligations? Yes. Pretty simple... after 1/2 of the contract period, you get 1/2 of your reimbursement. After the full contract period, you get the other half. If you DO NOT complete the full year, CONTRACTUALLY you are required to repay the 1/2 you have been given. Ealing does NOT enforce this.

This is an extremely exploitative clause. Any new teachers or prospective teachers needs to take a look at the shameless attitude displayed by this "Scott Murphy" fellow and realize that if you ever go to a place that sounds suspiciously like a training center disguised as a university, well you need to ask for a sample contract. Bonuses are deserved by the teachers, and frankly if you're going to force the teachers to PAY YOU BACK then you're just cheating them out of their money.

Frankly, I am not interested in all of your "aside" type answers.

Because you're not willing to face the facts?

Either you did these things or you did not do these things -- there are no half-truths here. And upon that your reputation will be either cleared or it will founder. Our reputation will not be cleared, because you seem to have judged us guilty before we could even respond. You do not INTERESTED in allowing us to clear our reputation as much as you seem interested in complaining about another one of "those" schools. But that won't affect the students who we have already SUCCESSFULLY placed in schools in England and it won't help the ones whom we are trying to place now. THEY are the ones about whom we are concerned. Our STUDENTS. Too many foreign teachers lose sight of this. Fortunately, our academic partners in England KNOW Ealing and won't be affected by this.

Yeah, you've successfully placed students in a foreign country, so what? What does that have anything to do with the teachers who had a hard time working at your pretend "college"?? You're really irritiating and annoying when you talk about the students and your eagerness to use them as a diversion makes it all the more [edited] with how you run the business. Of course you made the money off of them, so of course you're happy. Foreign teachers take a salary, which means less under the table money for the likes of you and whoever you're groveling to, am I right? Your "academic partners" are just as [edited] as you for enabling your [edited] business. Unfortunately, aren't there just too many 2nd and 3rd tier universities in the USA and England willing to sell out their principles in the name of greed? Your partner schools in England certainly aren't the first, neither will they be the last.

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Re: Ealing Smoke Screen and Bad Press Continued -- Dragonized -- 2012-02-19
Re: Dalian Ealing International College -- San Migs -- 2012-02-15
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