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Dragonized - 2012-02-19
In response to Re: Dalian Ealing International College (Scott Murphy)

You have one, ONE person spouting gibberish about a school. A school about which you have no first-hand knowledge, in a city you've never visited, in a country you seem to know little about. Yet you have tried and convicted Ealing without KNOWING anything about the situation. Are your comments, suppositions and defamation even fair, in the least? If I decided to make up a story about you, and had someone else come online and start the same "piling on" that you are all doing here, would that be fair to you? Of course not, and I would be wrong to do it. As you ALL are wrong in the way you are approaching this situation.

What you're running is not a school but a "school" that thrives on exploiting the naivity of local parents who want a better education for their children. What your entitiy does is suck the money out of the country's economy and fattens private business that are based abroad. The reason I say abroad and abroad only is because the owner/owners of this pretend "school" are probably already rich enough where they will have applied for permanent residence overseas in some other country. Most government officials in china (an article from an overseas media agency estimated the number to be at 74%) as well as most rich business people view their own country as an undesirable place to inhabit for their entire lives, many probably harbor contempt for their own as well. To make the long story short you do nothing to make the society that you're living in a better place.

Have you visited countries such as Sudan, Syria, Libya, and Yemen lately? Probably not because you KNOW their is turmoil and chaos going on in those countries, but of course you didn't visit their, you didn't learn the language, and you most likely never really spoke with anyone from those areas. I don't have to have worked at every school or pretend "school" in china to get a feel of what the mindset of locals are like. I can count on my own experience and make intelligent deductions on why china has so many problems in the educational sector and why she seems to draw some of the worst characters. What's disturbing is not only does she draw some of the worst characters, but it seems like many of these times these characters will be able to obtain some level of management. What makes the system work like this? What makes YOU feel like you have a right to come on here and accuse another individual who PROVIDED STRONG DETAILS of how your business cheated him/her out of what's rightfully theirs of being slanderous? Who gave you this entitlement mentality? You support a corrupt system who is unapologetic about how it operates, and as a beneficiary of course you're going to speak like this. Justice and lawful business be damned!

By the way, Turnoi most likely has more experience dealing with china than you. Your eagerness to draw conclusions about people whom you don't know tells me that you've got more to hide than anyone on here.

It seems everyone has an axe to grind with Chinese schools "acting Western", with Chinese schools trying to make a profit, with Chinese schools in general. Our whining detractor complains about things that happen every day, everywhere. When I was in America, I had an hour and a half commute every day. Did I expect my employer to reimburse me for my travel expenses? Did I expect them to knock the travel time off of my required working hours? No. Of course not. What we are fighting here, in addition to the heavy rules and regulations piled on my the local government, is the "entitlement... we are special" mentality by so many of the foreign ESL teachers here. They whine about a 30 hour work week. They whine about meetings and "extra" work which they are ASKED to do, not pressured. We get outrageously high salaries and special treatment compared to the local staff, yet whine and complain when someone doesn't wipe our bum for us. Is it any wonder the Chinese AND Western managers lose patience with our spoiled little kid attitudes? By the way, I speak from experience as, I am one of the whiny spoiled brats... not yet completely recovered.

In your world, chinese schools trying to make a profit is okay, it's even more okay then if this is at the top of their priority list, RIGHT? I also commuted 3 hours a day to the city to work a couple of years back and it was not a pleasant experience. In fact it sucked. If anything working at unpleasant jobs has taught me to stand up more for my own, individual rights. That's something you obviously haven't learned at all. A 30 hour teaching week is more like 50 hours when you add in the travel time and class preparation time. God forbit you must correct homework and exams. Do you think the "local staff" actually cares about foreign teachers, especially the types who work at pretend "schools" like yours? I don't think so. It's the sheep mentality of the general masses that enables this blatant exploitation to go on. It's bad enough that the entire local population is subjugated to this, NOW YOU WANT TO INCLUDE foreigners into this foray in the name of not being "spoiled little kids" or being too afraid of management "losing patience" with us? It's up to the locals themselves to stand up for their own rights and demand better treatment, and believe me you're not going to have anything to do with that because you're an outsider, just keep that in mind. All you're doing is helping to cause division amongst expats on how to behave, and yours is not the way to go, period.

In any case, I ask that you all take a step back, take a deep breath, then view this objectively. Who is making the allegations? We don't know, they remain anonymous. What supporting evidence do they provide? None. So far everything is sensationalized hearsay. Who of the detractors are currently in Dalian, or even in China, to be aware of current conditions here? (government regulations, etc.) No one, I believe. Does this sound like a fair basis from which to attack a school, which has already successfully placed students in England? I still keep in touch with those of my students who have gone overseas, and I can tell you that I am darned proud of them. Let us not allow on person's bitterness to snowball into a situation that benefits no one.

Who are you to say that YOU have the right to ask for the accuser's real identity? If I really had a terrible experience, I wouldn't for the life of me just say it immediately after it happened. On a personal note I didn't talk about my experience at one of the training centers I worked at until a couple of years after it had happened because it was too terrible. Exactly how terrible it was, well the foreign, American manager at this "school" threatened to break my neck, let's just say the sordid affair was one sided with him dominating the conversation and spitting in my face while on a drunk tirade that lasted from the previous night into the next morning. I think what your business does is absolutely nothing special, and so what if you keep in touch with students. No one cares how proud you are of them, you're just showing how narcissistic you are and your inablity to deal with criticism. I have no doubt you've actively engaged in some form of abuse towards teachers and co-workers. The more you talk, the more you show us what kind of ruthless individual you are.

Messages In This Thread
Re: Dalian Ealing International College -- Scott Murphy -- 2012-02-19
Re: Dalian Ealing International College -- San Migs -- 2012-02-20
Re: Dalian Ealing International College -- Dragonized -- 2012-02-19
Re: Dalian Ealing International College -- San Migs -- 2012-02-20
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