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greg - 2012-02-26
In response to Aston English (Captain Hook)

I had a terrible time working for ASTON. I wouldn’t recommend it to anyone. I have taught at 3 schools in China over the last 5 years. I had a very positive experience teaching at other schools. My time at ASTON however was a nightmare. I think the whole organization from the inside out is a professional joke. I lost count of the contract violations.

They will guilt you into staying. I strongly suggest that any teacher who sees the red flags early gets out. Although they think they do, they don’t own you or your passport.

I felt mislead by the school and tricked into working for them.

Overall I think ASTON is disgraceful. I write this only to warn new teacher who are looking to come to China. China is a great country and there are good schools out there. Just stay away from ASTON!


Messages In This Thread
Aston English -- Captain Hook -- 2008-12-07
Re: Aston English -- greg -- 2012-02-26
Re: Aston English -- for sure -- 2008-12-21
Re: Aston English -- Not surprised anymore -- 2008-12-17
Re: Aston English -- Captain Hook -- 2008-12-19
Re: Aston English -- Not surprised anymore -- 2008-12-20
Re: Aston English -- Fiona -- 2008-12-20
Re: Aston English -- Not surprised anymore -- 2008-12-21
Re: Aston English -- JECI teacher -- 2008-12-19
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