Hermes - 2012-03-05

Avoid EF Hohhot at all costs. In Hohhot it's gained a reputation for being a stereotypical English mill (the sort you worry about getting scammed into when you're applying for work in Asia). Although it was a good place to work for one year ago, conditions have gotten much worse that it's become a running joke among teachers at other schools in Hohhot.

However, you should apply if:

You wish to do 2-3 times the work teachers do at ALL other schools do in Hohhot,
For the lowest salary of all foreign teachers in the city.

You wish to be used and abused, as the school's sole priority is making money. Education is a distant second, if at all. I wish I was making up these incidents, but these are only a few:

-A foreign teacher had chronic bronchitis, and spent the days hooked up to a machine in the hospital. However, the school demanded that at night she return to the school and teach her classes, citing obscure rules in what is loosely defined but contantly referred to as the "contract".

-If they process your visa correctly you are very lucky indeed. You will likely be sent to Hong Kong after a month (before that they have you working illegally on a tourist visa- avoid the police!). Frequently when you are in Hong Kong teachers discovered EF Hohhot had made mistakes in the paperwork, forcing them to stay for an extra week. During this time they must spend a lot of their own money, if they have it, to eat and keep their lodgings in a very expensive city. This is without any assistance from the school. When you return, do not expect to be reimbursed for your expenses... the school will tell you to be grateful they bought you an airline ticket to come back. It requires a great deal of warnings, cajolling, and open threats to leave to get even a portion of your expenses returned. I wish this was not true, but it's happened a number of times.

-During the city's deadly Mongol riots in 2011 all the other English schools were warned not to go outside as foreigners were being targeted. The management EF Hohhot was alone in saying nothing to it's teachers, presumably so they would not stop working.

-A FT recieved an email informing him that his father had died. He came into work, but as you might expect his classes were not too great that day. The school's Chinese manager told the TA's that he shouldn't "make excuses".

The school's Chinese manager is a woman who will drink heavily at school functions and openly tries to seduce foreign teachers. VERY TRUE.

Incidently, if you are of African descent you shouldn't apply as the school's Chinese manager does not believe you are really from the US or UK, or even capable of teaching. Last year, despite being hard up for teachers she refused to hire an American (and former marine), as her skin was "too black".

Do you want to associate your name and reputation with this place? Then apply for a job there, by all means. There are always vacancies for FT's as they have a habit of leaving.

Messages In This Thread
EF Hohhot -- Hermes -- 2012-03-05
Re: EF Hohhot -- Job -- 2013-10-23
Re: EF Hohhot -- John O'Shei -- 2013-10-24
Re: EF Hohhot -- job -- 2014-04-02
Re: EF Hohhot -- Job -- 2013-10-24
Re: EF Hohhot -- John O'Shei -- 2013-10-25
Re: EF Hohhot -- Aus -- 2013-09-21
Re: EF Hohhot -- John O’Shei -- 2013-09-21
Re: EF Hohhot -- Aus -- 2013-09-21
Re: EF Hohhot -- John O'Shei -- 2013-09-22
Re: EF Hohhot -- San Migs -- 2012-03-06
Re: EF Hohhot -- D FLYNN -- 2012-03-19
Re: EF Hohhot -- San Migs -- 2012-03-19
Re: EF Hohhot -- Magister -- 2012-03-20

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