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San Migs - 2012-04-10

Now let's get this straight, are you or are you not like 99.9% of FT's in China, an oral English teacher? Is it or is it not the job of the proper teachers, the Chinese ones, to teach the complicated stuff like English Grammar? Are you or are you not just a foreign monkey that the schools must retain for promotional reasons? Why do you think you're entitled to share in the bonuses given to the proper teachers, the teachers that have actually trained as teachers? Paying for a TESOL or TEFL course is not proper teacher training. I mean, the bloke that cleans out the toilets in your school has just as much of a claim on depriving the proper teachers(the trained Chinese ones) of their incentive food parcels as you do- none at all, because like me you are not a properly trained teacher.

Now, Turnoi I understand, is actually a rare example of a genuine teacher. He has every right to gobble up them teachers' food parcels.

To address your post, and I have that right....

I am an FT in China, an oral english teacher at a middle school in a county level town. If the Chinese teachers want to teach that stuff, so be it, where was I moaning about that, personally I can't stand grammar, bores me silly.

These weren't bonuses provided by the school. This was a DONATION provided by the local government, the FAO's own words.

That milk could have been given to poor kids, or they could have bought textbooks, yes I did get one box of organic milk which I used for brewing up my favourite cup of breakfast tea and the odd coffee, that you resent me for getting one box of milk is beyond ridicule. If it makes you feel better I will give 100 yuan back to the fao, or the local commie party office, un-F*******-believable!

I didn't pay for my TEFL course actually, now that you ask, so, sorry to say, got it for free. But you will probably have a go at me about that. I did pay for my own CELTA though, so I guess that makes up for it.

Are you and your Chinese wife properly trained? What do you now do in England? Actually, it is wrong of me to ask you that, but you seem to be hectoring me, so I will respond in kind, as it is my last post on here, since you have returned to stalk me, under another name, and from the reclusion of coastal or southeastern england.

I will still keep all your postings pasted though, but I won't tell you where.

So long ace, you win, got too much on my plate at the moment for these boards which won't moderate you, thanks a bunch mods!

Laters yeah!!! Off for a few white russians after my one class this afternoon....and some lamb on a stick,lol, adios muchachos.

Messages In This Thread
Re: Re EF English First Shenyang - good/bad? From a current member of staff -- Jetson -- 2012-02-24
Re: Re EF English First Shenyang - good/bad? From a current member of staff -- San Migs -- 2012-02-24
Re: Re EF English First Shenyang - good/bad? From a current member of staff -- Jetson -- 2012-02-24
Re: Re EF English First Shenyang - good/bad? From a current member of staff -- San Migs -- 2012-02-25
Re: Re EF English First Shenyang - good/bad? From a current member of staff -- Jetson -- 2012-02-25
Re: Re EF English First Shenyang - good/bad? From a current member of staff -- San Migs -- 2012-02-26
Re: Re EF English First Shenyang - good/bad? From a current member of staff -- Le Duc de l'Econnerie -- 2012-02-24
Re: Re EF English First Shenyang - good/bad? From a current member of staff -- Jetson -- 2012-02-24
Re: Re EF English First Shenyang - good/bad? From a current member of staff -- San Migs -- 2012-02-25
Re: Re EF English First Shenyang - good/bad? From a current member of staff -- Jetson -- 2012-02-25
Re: Re EF English First Shenyang - good/bad? From a current member of staff -- San Migs -- 2012-02-26
Re: Re EF English First Shenyang - good/bad? From a current member of staff -- Dragonized -- 2012-02-26
Re: Re EF English First Shenyang - good/bad? From a current member of staff -- Jetson -- 2012-02-26
Re: Re EF English First Shenyang - good/bad? From a current member of staff -- Dragonized -- 2012-02-27
Re: Re EF English First Shenyang - good/bad? From a current member of staff -- anonymous -- 2012-04-06
Re: Re EF English First Shenyang - good/bad? From a current member of staff -- David -- 2012-04-07
Re: Re EF English First Shenyang - good/bad? From a current member of staff -- San Migs -- 2012-04-06
Re: Re EF English First Shenyang - good/bad? From a current member of staff -- boxiangjiaopi -- 2012-04-06
Re: Re EF English First Shenyang - good/bad? From a current member of staff -- San Migs -- 2012-04-06
Re: Re EF English First Shenyang - good/bad? From a current member of staff -- boxiangjiaopi -- 2012-04-09
Re: Re EF English First Shenyang - good/bad? From a current member of staff -- San Migs -- 2012-04-09
Re: Re EF English First Shenyang - good/bad? From a current member of staff -- boxiangjiaopi -- 2012-04-10
Re: Re EF English First Shenyang - good/bad? From a current member of staff -- San Migs -- 2012-04-10
Re: Re EF English First Shenyang - good/bad? From a current member of staff -- boxiangjiaopi -- 2012-04-11
Re: Re EF English First Shenyang - good/bad? From a current member of staff -- boxiangjiaopi -- 2012-04-11
Re: Re EF English First Shenyang - good/bad? From a current member of staff -- David -- 2012-04-07
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