View Thread · Previous · Next Return to Index › Re: Re EF English First Shenyang - good/bad? From a current member of staff
boxiangjiaopi - 2012-04-12

As for rubbish training centres, I passed by crappy Hamster in Hangzhou today (Hampson English). It is situated in Tianmushan Lu somewhere near a bus stop. The door was open, and when I passed by, a man, obviously the Chinese owner, came out, saw me and wanted me to come in. Obviously, he was in need of a white monkey for his crappy muppet show. I told him to leave me alone, and when he did not comply, I tol;d him something not very nice in Chinese. He was a bit shocked and finally left me alone. Seems it is the only language these goons understand.
Down with all crappy training centres!!!!....hahaha

I bet it had T in it. I nearly missed this post. Why is it that various posts recede to the right of the screen and then if you scroll down you just get a blank screen until you pick up a new list of posts and then they all creep to the right and disappear-any ideas? I thought first that it might be one computer to blame, but I have five computers, each with Linux and Windows-it acts the same way on all of them. Tough luck if a reply to your post is off the screen in thin air somewhere I suppose.

At least you're out there doing the business, I'm stuck at home in rotten England bored out of my mind. Hope you find a good position.

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Re: Re EF English First Shenyang - good/bad? From a current member of staff -- boxiangjiaopi -- 2012-04-12
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