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Don't waste your time - 2012-04-13

If you're not threatening my character why have you stated that i abuse and cheat people as a way of life? If that's not an attack on my character then what is?

I believe in the opinions that i post on this site, just as you and anyone else who posts their opinions on this forum will also believe what they write. If believing what i write makes me self-righteous then i'm guilty as charged but no more guilty than you or anyone else. Let's face it, you would have to be mentally ill to be thinking one thing and posting another. At no point though have i indicated that i feel my opinions are better than anyone else’s and i haven't resorted to telling you not to post your ideas which you did do on your post of 9th April. This is a forum for ideas, some of which will be opposing.

Furthermore, you seem to back up your arguments against me with some rather broad and i'm afraid incorrect assumptions about who i am and what my motives for posting are.

I am not a manager at EF. I have never worked for them in any capacity nor have i worked for any training school in any role. What you have posted about me is just plain wrong!

To suggest that i am posting on this board to try and convert the masses to my way of thinking is also a fallacy. At the same time you finished your reply to me by advising anyone reading this site to ignore what i've written. This is blatant hypocrisy!

Again, going back to my original post I accused people of writing about events, schools and individuals about which they have no genuine knowledge. You seem to be hell bent on proving my point for me by continuing to make these kind of unfounded allegations against me.

For the record, I actually work at a University in China and started to use this board (as well as other resources) a few months ago to research where I might want to work next year as I’ve been in my present position for a few years and fancy a change of scenery. Having read quite a lot of reviews good, bad and indifferent I did notice a trend of negative posting by several people on this site towards almost any kind of institution. These include posts on active threads as well as posts from several years ago. It is my opinion that these posters for the most part have no experience of the schools and individuals that they post against and that their posts are generally rude, often aggressive and in many cases revert to name calling. These people may well have something valuable to add to the threads on this board based on their experience. If that’s the case then I look forward to reading what they have written, otherwise they are simply damaging what should be a useful resource for the ever growing number of ESL teachers that there are in the world.

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