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Larry Romanoff - 2005-10-13

Here are two communications from Alin Buuer aka James Zhang that I thought you might enjoy reading. The first is a brief (but spirited) email exchange he had with me; the second is an unedited copy of an email he sent to a few people, asking them to post good reviews of him on some ESL websites - including this one.
Dear Mr. Zhang;

Since you refuse to respond to my reasonable questions and concerns, I think it would be wise for me to avoid any dealings with you.

Larry Romanoff

Dear Larry Romanoff,

I think you are a patient man. But I am sorry to say I have no much time to answer everything for you. I think I am also not interested in your application. I met with hundred of foreign teachers. they never asked so many questions to us. You are too trouble. I just a Chinese Lawyer. My father is the manager of PSB Shanghai. If You keep threatening me, I will take a deeper action. You are so shame a man. Why do you interrupt me? F*** Off! (* my edit)

Mr James Zhang

Dear Mr. Zhang;

Please don't write to me again. You are a liar and a big pain in the ass. I have turned over your file to the Chinese consulate here, and asked them to send it to the local police. If we are lucky, maybe you will go to jail where you should be.

Larry Romanoff

Dear Larry Romanoff,

I am very serious to tell you that I will make you pay the price from your doing crimings and slanderings. Now My business is very very good in Shanghai and Beijing and Guangdong. So do you want to do damage to my business by internet? I will make you compensate 1000000 RMB to my company as damnify. F*** OOff Now. (* my edit)

I know you are just in Hangzhou from I P address of your computer. I can make Shanghai Police find your location. You are so shame to do so damage to the craft brothers. F*** Off again. I will make you into prison in Hangzhou or SHanghai.

Mr James Zhang

Dear Alin Buuer;

Your business is not good. It is bad. Teachers and schools are learning that you are a liar and a thief, and they are not doing business with you now. Soon you will have no business.

And you will do nothing. And the police will do nothing. You will not be compensated. You will get a job cleaning toilets in a hotel. Have a nice day.

Larry Romanoff

To Kind foreign teachers ,attention please!

Dear my friends, this is Mr Zhang again, do you remember me? I helped you before. How are you?

Now I need your help. I really hope you can help me because somebody wants to damage my business. Larry Romanoff,Mr Zhou, Ms Helen Chen,whoever he/she wants to name as is maligning many esl companies in China including me. Please help me place a disinterested and fair review at and Thanks very much. Please help me after I ever tried to help you. I will thank you and keep helping you again in the future.

Mr Zhang (Allen Zhang, Frank Zhang,Alin Buuer)

Larry Romanoff is not a foreign teacher but a businessman. He got much money from, and So he was urged to damage many other Chinese ESL recruiters and ESL sites except itself. He wrote many calumniatory reviews to other companies including me.

I remember that He ever wrote emails to me to ask help from me for jobs. He pretended to be a very good PHD holder with many years teaching experience in China. I did not know at first he was trying to cheat me. So I did all I can for you him and recommended him to Shanghai Foreign Languages Middle School,the key school in Shanghai downtown. I tried to say good news and words to the headmaster of Shanghai Foreign Languages Middle School as to make him accept Larry. And then I also turned the school's contract to Larry. The contract is from the school itself and it is pretty. All the 15 present foreign teachers at Shanghai Foreign Languages Middle School are very happy with the contract and the school.

After 2 days, the headmaster said to me they could not hire Larry Romanoff because they found out that Larry was a liar not a good teacher. So I had to tell Larry that the school refused him and It was out of my control. But Larry kept writing emails to me, I did not want to reply to him any longer in deed. So I finally had to say if he annoyed me again, I would complain him to court.

And then He was ashamed into anger, He ever went to Hangzhou city and met with the lawyer and the boss of, He was willing to damage us and other Chinese kindred esl sites after getting paid. So he placed much bad reviews without any proof and did a crime at some international esl sites and his own sites when he came back to Canada. We have already noticed to Shanghai Poice about his crimes. He is doing a crime. He keep hurting many Chinese ESl companies and keep getting paid.

He is not an esl teacher but a cheat and thief, He does not know all the esl teaching at all. I never meet with him, how can he do so bad reviews to me????????? He is a much metamorphic man. He should stay in prison for all of his rest life. He was ever put into Canadian prison for almost 3 years because of his stealing in Canada.

I helped +1200 foreign teachers from 1997. some of them met with me in person. They are mostly happy with me after my hard work for them when they arrived at Shanghai. I picked them up in person at Airiport ,booked and paid hotels and meals for them. They are happy with me. But a few of them cheated me and schools just like Larry Romanoff, they are not good teachers but farmers,businessmen and garbos, but they said to me they are very good teachers. So I could not help them with their esl jobs in China. Maybe they are not happy with me. But it is not my fault. He should be honest to me and Chinese Schools at first.

I have helped above 1200 foreign teachers with their jobs all over China. 90% of them are very happy with me. It is impossible for anybody to happy all of his clients as you know. Only 5-10% foreign teachers say not good reviews. But it is their freedom. they never talk about their own bad action and proceedings in China. they cheated me and schools at first, So I can't help them.

I hope all the people can understand this. I only help those real and honest people. As You know, some bad people also came to China for teaching. they are either farmers or garbos just like Larry.. they have no good action and manners. So I am also the same to them.

Please beware Larry Romanoff from He is just a bad businessman. He does not know the ESL teaching experience at all. He keeps damaging and maligning only for money. He is metamorphic very much. Bearcanada has also maligned several excellent recruiters and recruiting websites who have helped place thousands of foreign teachers successfully. Once somebody catchs it, make it into Chinese prison for all the rest of his life.

By the way, I helped hundreds of foregin teachers, They are my good friends. I can make them give a justice review about our kind company if needed. Please get help from me if needed. Email:

Thanks a lot. Have a good life for you and your family!

Mr Zhang

If you have questions ,don't to hesitate to contact us. I am looking forward to your reply.
Tel: +86 21 52241747 52242042
Mobile: 13391005255
Fax: +86 21 62148309
Foreign Affairs Office
China TEFL Jobs Organization

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